Clause 1 of Article 164 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation determines the application of a zero percent tax rate when selling goods (except for natural gas, oil, including stable gas condensate, when exported to the territory of the CIS member states) exported by customs export.

Step 1
VAT is not paid on all transactions that are taxed at a zero rate, as well as on transactions that are exempt from taxation. However, there are some differences between these operations.
Step 2
In the first case, the tax base is formed, and when drawing up invoices in the column "VAT rate" you must indicate "0%". Input VAT costs that were paid on goods are deductible. In the second case, the tax base is not formed, and the costs of "input" VAT that were paid on goods are not deducted, but are included in the cost price.
Step 3
To apply a zero VAT rate, it is necessary that the buyer of the exported goods is a foreign person.
Step 4
For payers applying the simplified VAT system, the issue is quite clear, since they are not its payers. This means that with the object “income minus expenses”, the “input” tax is taken into account as part of expenses, and there simply cannot be any reimbursements from the budget.
Step 5
For example, in the first quarter of 2008, you exported goods at a purchase price of 1,298,000 rubles. (including VAT in the amount of 198,000 rubles). Under the concluded foreign economic contract, the company was not responsible for transportation, loading and unloading, insurance, etc. The amount of customs payments was 82,500 rubles. Let us assume that the received proceeds in rubles are equal to 1,870,000 rubles.
Step 6
Determine the amount of tax, under the general tax regime with the right to a zero VAT rate.
To determine the purchase value of a product (excluding VAT) from the purchase value of a product (including VAT), subtract the amount of VAT: 1,298,000 - 198,000 = 1,100,000. customs payments.
Step 7
Multiply your result by 24%: 165,000 = [(1,870,000 - 1,100,000 - 82,500) x 24%]. The rate is 0% and there is no sales value added tax. "Input" VAT in the amount of 198,000 rubles. will be returned from the budget. The total amount of taxes recoverable will be 33,000 = 198,000 - 165,000.
Step 8
Under the simplified taxation regime, determine the size of the single tax by subtracting the purchase price of the goods (including VAT) from the sale amount and multiplying the result by 15%. The total amount of taxes will be: 85,800 rubles. = [(1,870,000 - 1,298,000) x 15%] In this case, it is not profitable to work in the simplified tax regime.