Many parents want to instill in their children a respect for money. They establish a kind of "family-market" relationship and, as an incentive, pay children to help around the house. In order not to be mistaken and not to raise an egoist, you need to consider this model of education from all sides.

There are quite serious arguments in favor of giving money to children for help in the house.
First, children learn to handle money and plan their child's budget. Children begin to count, save and save finances.
Secondly, pocket money gives the child independence, confidence and a kind of "adulthood". They serve as an incentive for self-employment.
Over time, the child learns to properly distribute and spend his savings. In addition, having your own money gives you confidence when dealing with peers. For example, a child can buy himself lemonade and, if desired, treat friends.
There are arguments against rewarding children financially for doing household chores.
The most important argument is the likelihood of making a child an egoist who, over time, will not strike a finger without parental payment for services. Such a risk exists, but this outcome is possible only in extreme cases, where upbringing occurs with sharp "excesses" and initially incorrect motivation.
Also, some parents believe that extra pocket money provokes unnecessary spending and "corrupts" the child, he becomes selfish, greedy and envious.
But there is no need to be scared in advance, the truth is somewhere in the middle. The main thing is to clearly define the rules of financial incentives and competently convey to the child the theory of the value and importance of money. Parents should explain that money is not an end in itself and the meaning of life, but freedom and independence in society in terms of comfort, travel and the quality of goods and services. Children should understand the value of money and the fact that they can and should be earned already at a young age, providing all possible help to their parents.
It is important to convey to the child that paying for housework is just a parental initiative and an educational element.
The child should clearly understand that he should study well and help around the house not only because he is paid for it, but because these are his direct responsibilities. The main task of the parents is to teach the child independence and the correct handling of money without turning family relations into commodity-money barter.
Initially, distribute children's responsibilities around the house, the first part of them must be paid, and the second part is gratuitous help to parents.
It is important to consider the age of the child. The kid should not be given large sums, he still cannot properly dispose of them.
Teens can help almost fully with homework or family business. In this case, children should receive full wages for their work. By working with their parents, young people will be able to save up for the gadgets, clothes or other things they want. Teenagers will not have to constantly ask their parents for money to go to the movies, cafes or attractions.
When determining the amount of pocket money, in addition to age, you should be guided by:
- on the financial situation of the family;
- approximate amounts that other parents give to their children;
- place of residence.
If you live in a large city, the amount of money you give your child will be an order of magnitude higher than the amount that parents give in small towns and villages.
When setting fees for help around the house, be guided by the financial situation of the family. You should not follow the child's lead and increase the amount of payments just because other families give more pocket money. Explain that there are families where such parenting methods are not practiced and children help free of charge.
Control your child's expenses, not all children can manage their finances properly. Guide your child, help him plan the budget correctly. Be careful with teenagers, make sure that they do not spend money on bad habits (alcohol, drugs).
Give financial advice, but do not impose your opinion, let the child distribute his spending independently. To organize a child's budget, you can buy a piggy bank for your child and start a special accounting notebook.
Children need to understand the value of money. Explain to them that any work is honorable and money does not just “fall from the sky”. Teach respectful and careful handling of money. Buy your child your wallet, money should not be lying around.
Agree to give out the money earned on a specific day. Don't be led and practice advances. The child should clearly understand that money needs to be earned by their own labor.
Teach your child to set goals and save money for big purchases. Explain all the risks associated with keeping money. Tell them that you shouldn't waste your finances thoughtlessly and brag about their presence in front of your peers and strangers, you don't need to carry the entire amount with you and lend your friends constantly.
Whether or not to give money to children for help around the house is an individual decision of each family. Weigh all the pros and cons of such a parenting method and make your choice.