Loans issued for 12 months are considered short-term. All other loans are long-term. The transfer of loans from one type to another is regulated by PBU 15/1 of 1.01.02. When translating, you must follow a certain sequence.

It is necessary
- - contract or additional agreement;
- - new loan repayment schedule;
- - accounting entries;
- - court statement.
Step 1
If the client is unable to make a timely settlement of the loan issued, you can transfer a short-term loan to a long-term one. The timing of debt restructuring must be agreed by both parties.
Step 2
In accordance with the current legislation, you can renew the contract or draw up an additional agreement to the current document.
Step 3
Make a new agreement or additional agreement in duplicate for each of the parties, put the signatures of the authorized employee of the credit institution and the client or his notarized trustee.
Step 4
Before signing a new contract or supplementary agreement, draw up a new schedule of monthly debt repayment. Draw up the schedule taking into account the new conditions in force in the credit institution at the time of signing the agreement.
Step 5
Transfer all loan data from debit 66 to debit 67 and from credit 51 to credit 52. Enter the expense for credit 50 on the cash entry.
Step 6
If all payments on a short-term loan were made in a timely manner, then the loan is not considered overdue and its transfer to a long-term loan does not entail any penalties. If the payment deadlines were delayed, you have the right to charge and collect a forfeit in the amount of 1/300 of the remaining loan amount for each overdue day.
Step 7
The transfer of loans from short-term to long-term is carried out not only by mutual agreement between the client and the lender, but also by a court decision, if the client applied there with a statement of insolvency. In this case, debt restructuring can be formalized for a period of 5 years or more. This is most often done in the event that the creditor is not able to receive the client's property as a settlement or seize bank accounts due to the fact that the client simply does not have anything.