All subscribers of the Life network have a bonus and main payment account. All received bonuses are automatically credited to the bonus account. One bonus is equal to one hryvnia, you can get it at the expense of funds deposited by the subscriber. You can use the received bonuses like ordinary money on the account, that is, they can pay for calls within the network, international calls and calls to numbers of other operators.

Step 1
First of all, communication services are paid from the main payment account, that is, those funds that were deposited by the user are debited. After the main account runs out of funds, bonuses are automatically converted into cash and begin to be used. The terms of service for subscribers do not affect the term of using bonuses, the user must spend them within a month from the moment they are credited to the account. All bonuses that have not been debited within a month are canceled at the end of the term.
Step 2
Even if there is only 1 bonus on the subscriber's bonus account, he has the right to receive the service, according to the tariff plan, in the amount of 1 hryvnia. In this case, services or goods provided to the user with the use of bonuses are paid only from the main account.
Step 3
The operator can suspend the accrual of bonuses, their cancellation and cancellation without the user's consent unilaterally in case of violation by the client of the current legislation.
Step 4
Funds transferred to the subscriber's bonus account using the Balance Transfer program can also be used in accordance with the terms of the agreement. To transfer funds, you need to send a text message perevod, specifying a mobile phone number in the national format and the transfer amount separated by a space. The message is sent to number 124. After that, the operator will ask you to confirm the balance transfer using a text message.
Step 5
In addition, if you do not have bonuses and funds on your mobile phone account, you can make a request to transfer funds to another subscriber absolutely free of charge. To do this, send a text message to 124 with the word sos. After a space, enter the number of the person to whom the request is being sent, in the national format. A message with a request will be instantly delivered to this number. But the user cannot make such requests more than three per day.
Step 6
The operator recommends saving all codes, as well as message templates with requests for balance transfer, in the phone in case of an unforeseen situation.