Obtaining a loan is a rather painstaking procedure, but only if the loan is quite large. You can get a loan for equipment, a car and other personal goods within 1-2 days. A credit card is issued almost instantly, especially for regular customers. Good credit history and regular official income are the priority criteria for granting a loan.

It is necessary
Collection of a package of documents for a loan and an agreement with an intermediary
Step 1
The loan itself is a loan agreement, that is, just a document. Very often, when issuing a loan for the purchase of real estate or a car, banks independently transfer funds to the seller, that is, the borrower simply does not receive them in his hands.
Step 2
For example, a car is issued on a loan, which is also a collateral for a bank; the bank wants to be sure that the borrowed funds will go to their destination. For this, the car dealership, in which the borrower wants to buy a car, provides the invoice and the sales contract to the bank, the bank, in turn, will transfer the money to the dealership's account. Thus, the client receives a car loan, and there is no possibility to use the funds received for other purposes.
Step 3
In this case, the client may not officially agree with the management of the car dealership so that they deliberately overcharge the car and return part of the money to the borrower in cash, or transfer it to his current account. As a result, it turns out that part of the loan has been converted into cash. But the safety of the financial institution is vigilant, and such a borrower may have problems if it later turns out that the price of the car was greatly inflated.
Step 4
If the borrower regularly pays interest for using the loan and repays the required part of the loan on a monthly basis, then problems may not arise. It is not advisable to convert the targeted loan into money, since the client, by signing the loan agreement, undertakes to use the funds received only for the acquisition of the property specified in the purchase and sale agreement.
Step 5
Such a fraud is not cheap, since the car dealership will keep part of the funds for itself. In addition, all collateral must be insured and the amount of insurance is calculated based on the value of the collateral. That is, due to the overstated loan amount, insurance will also be very costly.
Step 6
People who take such a step do not think about the consequences. If it suddenly happens that this fraud is revealed, the bank can initiate the opening of a criminal case on the fact of fraud.