Henry Ford: A Short Biography

Henry Ford: A Short Biography
Henry Ford: A Short Biography

The modern world cannot be imagined without a car. In the shortest possible time, by historical standards, this vehicle became the main one on the planet. Henry Ford made his unique contribution to this process, which will remain in the memory of posterity forever.

Henry Ford
Henry Ford

Childhood and youth

In fiction, Henry Ford is often referred to as the father of the automotive industry. This is true, despite the fact that the industry was laid by many engineers and production organizers. At the dawn of the scientific and technological revolution, people with a powerful intellect, excellent memory and the ability to system-analytical thinking were in demand. In addition to these abilities, it is very important to understand the mood and needs of the people around you. And one more consideration - it is impossible to win without a fierce desire to win.

The future inventor and businessman was born on July 30, 1863 in the family of a farmer. Parents, immigrants from Ireland, were engaged in agriculture in the fields of Michigan. He turned out to be the oldest child of the six who grew up in the house. Two sisters and three brothers have always been proud of their "starshak" Henry. From an early age he had to help his mother with the housework. Like all boys, he studied at a rural school for several years. His interest in technology erupted after he saw a moving locomobile.


The thorny path of the engineer

When the guy was 16 years old, he went to the city of Detroit, where he went to work in a workshop for the repair of agricultural machinery. Here he received primary knowledge in metallurgy and structural materials. The practice was not in vain for Henry. He invented and patented a thresher based on a gasoline engine. My father liked the machine, which made work easier and increased productivity. In 1891, Ford was hired as a mechanical engineer by the famous entrepreneur Tom Edison.

Two years later, Ford designed and assembled a prototype car. And this was the first step in the career of the now famous inventor and entrepreneur. It is interesting to note that those around him reacted very coolly to the "self-propelled wheelchair". Ford had to come up with a marketing plan to attract customers and investors. He even participated in demonstration races at the helm of his car. When Ford's car took first place, a wide range of consumers drew attention to it.

Company formation and personal life

In 1908, the production of the first production car "Ford-T" began. In just three years, all competitors were far behind. Ford's vehicle has proven to be reliable, affordable to middle-income people, and easy to maintain. The entrepreneur himself set himself the goal of providing all American citizens with cars.

The entrepreneur's personal life has developed well. As a true Catholic, he only married once. The husband and wife raised and raised their son, who became a reliable assistant to his father in business. Henry Ford died in April 1947 of a stroke.
