How To Write A Loan Application

How To Write A Loan Application
How To Write A Loan Application

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Some employers provide an opportunity for their employees to obtain a loan from the enterprise. Getting a loan for urgent needs for company employees is much more profitable, since they are often issued on an interest-free basis or at a fairly low interest rate that takes into account only inflation.

How to write a loan application
How to write a loan application


Step 1

It makes sense to first ask the accounting department if they will give you a loan, before starting to arrange it. If prior consent is obtained, discuss the terms of its repayment with the chief accountant of the enterprise. If they suit you, you need to write a loan application.

Step 2

Take a blank sheet of standard-size writing paper. It is better if the application is written by hand. Use a blue or black paste pen, as is customary when writing formal papers.

Step 3

In the upper right corner of the sheet, write the name of the position of the head of your company, his last name and initials. Then write "from" and state your position, the department in which you work, your last name and initials. In the line below, in the middle, write the word "Application" with a capital letter.

Step 4

In the upper right corner of the sheet, write the name of the position of the head of your company, his last name and initials. Then write "from" and state your position, the department in which you work, your last name and initials. In the line below, in the middle, write the word "Application" with a capital letter.

Step 5

On the first line, write the standard phrase "I ask you to provide me with a loan for the amount:" and indicate the amount that you need. If necessary, indicate the reason or purpose of the loan.

Step 6

Write down the conditions on which you want to receive money - interest-free or with the interest at which the company can provide you with it. Be sure to indicate the period for which you will need the money.

Step 7

Indicate how you will repay the loan. Most likely, it will be enough for you to write in the application that you are asking to deduct the monthly required amount and interest from your earnings.

Step 8

Enter the date on which the application was written. Sign it and give a transcript indicating the full surname and initials. Take the application to the office and register it with the secretary. You just have to wait for the decision.
