How To Make Restaurant Menus

How To Make Restaurant Menus
How To Make Restaurant Menus

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Developing the right menu is the basis for the success of any catering establishment. The concept, price level, nationality of the restaurant - the guest learns all the details and peculiarities of the establishment from the menu. Well, for a restaurateur, it can provide good revenue - provided that it is drawn up and executed correctly.

How to make restaurant menus
How to make restaurant menus


Step 1

Any menu is made up according to the worked out scheme. You should not violate it - a guest who comes to a restaurant wants one thing - to quickly and accurately choose the right dish. Give him this opportunity.

Step 2

A list of specialties is usually placed at the beginning of the menu. This is followed by snacks - first cold, and then hot. This is followed by soups, hot dishes, side dishes, desserts, drinks - hot and cold. Alcohol is usually listed on a separate wine list.

Step 3

Within the sections, dishes are broken down into subcategories. For example, you can select hot dishes from meat, fish, poultry, game. The vegetarian page is also drawn up separately. Special offers, dishes from the chef, culinary festivals are usually printed on a separate sheet and put into the general menu folder.

Step 4

Decide if you will offer business lunches or special children's meals. Their list can be arranged as simply as possible, because such menus need to be replaced frequently. Please note that the composition of the lunch meal should be changed at least once a month - regular guests get bored with the same dishes.

Step 5

The main menu should be constant. It is very bad when a guest who comes to taste their favorite dish does not find it on the list. Updates can take the form of food festivals - for example, in August, you can host the New Potato Festival, and in June, the First Strawberry Festival. Such promotions are very popular with the guests.

Step 6

The appearance of the menu is dictated by the concept of the restaurant. For example, in a classic institution a heavy leather folder is appropriate, in a fashionable coffee shop the menu can be designed in the form of a newspaper, and in a Japanese restaurant it can be printed on thick cardboard and fastened in the form of writing plates.

Step 7

Don't make your menu too bulky. The guest simply will not be able to operate on them - having reached the section of hot dishes, he will forget what he has chosen in the list of salads and soups. The best option is 10-20 positions in each section.

Step 8

Be sure to indicate the output of the finished dish - the guest should find out how much portion he will receive. Don't use fancy names for the dishes - Strawberries in Champagne sounds much clearer than Strawberries à la Romanoff.
