A good restaurant name in itself whets your appetite. There are more and more restaurants, and it becomes more difficult to find a good name. There are several simple rules for developing names - naming that can help with this.

Step 1
Distinctive features of successful names of any companies, shops, restaurants and other things are, firstly, their originality, secondly, easy memorability, thirdly, the reflection in the name of the essence of this business and, fourthly, positive associations of the name. Let's take a closer look at these features using the example of a restaurant name.
Step 2
In fact, any name can be original, depending on what kind of restaurant you have and what its customers are. For young and prosperous people, the name of the Vanil restaurant may seem quite original. The Pokrovskie Vorota restaurant will attract the attention of the older generation. The name of the glass-house "Second Wind" seems quite original, and not only to its frequent visitors. The memorability of the name lies in the fact that it cannot be accidentally confused with similar ones, and in the fact that it should not be too long, complex, wordy.
Step 3
It is good if the name of the restaurant reflects its cuisine. If your restaurant, for example, specializes only in Italian cuisine, then this should somehow be reflected in the name. It can be argued that there are many Italian restaurants in Moscow, and that almost all of their names are Italian or similar to Italian words, as well as concepts that evoke associations with Italy. Nevertheless, these names immediately give the client the information that he is in front of an Italian restaurant, that is, they reveal its essence, which matters. Thus, those who value Italian cuisine (and there are many of them in Moscow) will not pass by such a restaurant.
Step 4
A restaurant is delicious food, good company, friendly service, beautiful surroundings … In some restaurants it is also good music or a small library. A client goes to a restaurant primarily for one of the above. A good restaurant name should be associated with exactly this kind of thing.
Step 5
The algorithm for developing a restaurant name is about the same as for any other type of business. First, the target audience is researched - those whom you expect to see as your customers. Obviously, middle-income young people will like a very different name than the more mature and wealthy. Then your competitors are investigated - their names, their success. First, it is worth choosing at least 10 variants of the name and then, by the method of elimination, come to any one variant. You can ask your friends for help - they will kind of test your options.