If you decide to open your own boutique, very soon you will have to think about what it should be called. And this can become one of the main questions. After all, a good, sonorous, easy to remember name plays an important role.

Step 1
When choosing the name of your future store, you should first of all think about customers, about your future target audience. First of all, remember - the name should evoke only positive emotions. It is best to show your ideas to several people from the category of your future customers, perhaps after listening to their opinion, you will change something, remove something, or, on the contrary, add. Or perhaps they will offer their own unusual option.
Step 2
You shouldn't use your own name or the names of your relatives. This option can be fatal if you want to sell it in the future. It is unlikely that anyone wants to buy a store named after a stranger. A completely different conversation if you experiment and take the first letters of the first or last name as a basis.
Step 3
The name should be consistent with the offered products. That is, from the name itself it should already be clear what exactly is being sold in your store.
Step 4
If you decide to compose a name from foreign words or phrases, it is better to look into the appropriate dictionary to find out exactly how it is translated or what it means, because sometimes the invented version in translation may not sound in the best interpretation.
Step 5
In general, it is worth going through all the possible sentences. The main thing is to remember, the name, if possible, should be witty, outstanding, sound loud, be bright, noticeable. And when going to register it, keep in stock a few more options, tk. the first, despite its apparent originality and creativity, may already be busy.