The slogan: "Pay your taxes and sleep well" has long been heard by everyone. Non-payers are not only irresponsible and unwilling to comply with tax legislation citizens. Very often, the most common ignorance becomes the cause of tax arrears. So how do you find out about tax debt?

Step 1
To be indebted to someone, even to the state, is perhaps not the most pleasant feeling. But tax debts do not always arise from the malicious intent of citizens. Sometimes we become debtors because we do not have the necessary information about the existing financial obligations to the state. The employer pays the bulk of taxes for working citizens automatically, therefore, if additional financial obligations arise, citizens are sometimes not familiar with how to fulfill them.
Step 2
Now the life of taxpayers has become much easier, because even without having the time and opportunity to contact the tax service directly, you can easily and, most importantly, quickly find out if you have tax debts, in what amount, and how to pay them.
Step 3
Recently, tax debts can be found online by visiting the official website of the Federal Tax Service. A personal account has been created especially for the users of the site, in which you can find out all the information you need on tax charges relating to you.
Step 4
To access your personal account, you will need to specify a specific list of personal data, namely, the last name and first name, the region in which you live, and the TIN. Then fill in the field with the confirmation code, click "find", and you will be redirected to a page with full information about taxes payable.
Step 5
If you find a tax debt, then here you can prepare to pay it off. Check the taxes for which the debt was found, and a receipt for payment will be automatically generated for you. With a printed receipt, you can contact any bank branch for payment.