Who among us, at least deep down, does not want to be rich? Money, of course, by itself will not make us happier, but in the hands of a rational person it can open up new opportunities, provide more freedom and even change the world for the better. Each of us probably has ideas, dreams, desires … But to make them come true, you need to make a lot of money.

Step 1
Rich people are not necessarily people who drive fancy cars. A rich person is characterized by the ability not to spend money on luxury, but to accumulate and create money. A rich, wealthy person is a way of thinking. Anyone can win a million dollars in the lottery, buy luxury real estate and a car, but not become rich, or even part with this property soon. Anyone who has the mindset of a wealthy person thinks not about spending, but about accumulation, i.e. how to make more money out of money, how to make it work.
Step 2
The best way to change your mindset, as always, is to read. Every bookstore has a business literature section that sells books that teach financial independence and how to manage money. To make money later, you need to invest now, so do not skimp on these books. Excellent authors writing about money understandably, without empty promises, inspiring, are, for example, the German economist Bodo Schaefer or the Russian financier Heinrich Erdmann.
Step 3
It's easy to read a book, it's harder to start acting, follow her advice, try to apply it to your life. This requires will and motivation. It's time to remember your dreams and desires. Are you tired of your job? For a long time you wanted to be engaged not in boring order processing, but, for example, in the design of creative gifts? Well, it means that you already have a ready-made business idea, and all that is needed for it is money. Write a rough business plan, just for yourself, calculate how much money you need to do what you love. After that, it will become clearer for you how to better manage your income, which should be temporarily abandoned, and what, on the contrary, should be paid attention to - in order to obtain the necessary funds. A well-motivated person does an excellent job even with uninteresting things, so it is possible that you will receive an increase in salary and career at your main job - in the end.
Step 4
You can make big money in almost any industry if you do business wisely. Becoming an entrepreneur, starting your first victories and analyzing your mistakes, will change your mindset forever as you learn how to make money work. Many people lack just this for wealth - an understanding of simple financial laws, because often we do not even think about how the company in which we work is structured, what income it has, what is its turnover.
Step 5
You can make money without starting a business. Words like "mutual fund", "shares", "stock exchange" and the like in Russia are still perceived with distrust - everyone remembers the 90s. But in the same 90s, these words helped not the smallest circle of people to earn money. In 1998, shares of promising companies could be bought for practically nothing … and wait for them to rise in value. Investing can be done now, but for this you need to take care of your financial education. It is not at all necessary to graduate from MFLA, but it is worth reading books about securities, the exchange, and market organization. There are quite a large number of relatively stable investment funds operating in Russia, working with both large and small investments.
Step 6
Someone organizes a business, someone invests in securities or real estate, someone just makes a good career. There are many ways to make big money, but in order to take the first step towards financial well-being, you need to properly motivate yourself and take action. And our dreams and desires, which we previously considered unrealizable, will help us.