Many big tasks become achievable if you approach them with the help of planning methods, and turn the initial unattainable dream into a clear and defined goal with a prescribed timetable for achieving it. All of this fully applies to the dream of many entrepreneurs - to make big money in small businesses.

Step 1
The first and perhaps the most obvious way to make big money in a small business is to turn a small business into a medium business and then a large one. Traditionally, this happens through gradual growth, increase in sales, development of new areas of activity, strengthening of positions in occupied markets, etc. Any business is a structure consisting of a certain number of elements. In order to improve the efficiency of the functioning of this structure, it is necessary to correct this system and improve it. This is done in the following ways:
• moving to another, more favorable, environment;
• improving the existing environment;
• changing the construction of the structure;
• change or improvement of structural elements;
• optimization of the design control system.
Step 2
You can subdivide the described actions into additional tasks and subtasks up to specific activities with a clear time frame for completion. In this case, you can make big money in a small business by solving each separate problem, gradually approaching your intended goal. In essence, the management of an enterprise with a designated purpose comes down to managing its profits and profitability. In such a coordinate system, you will be able to navigate by three main management tasks:
• Increasing the capacity of the target market.
• Increasing the company's market share.
• Increased profitability.
Step 3
If the described methods of systematic development seem too slow for you, and you like the opportunity to make big money in a small business without serious planning and preparatory work, try, for example, to reorient your company as quickly as possible to the premium segment of the market in which you operate. In a small business, the role of the leader's personality and ability often play a significant role in ultimate success. This is especially true for the service sector. Entering the premium segment, although it will increase your costs for raw materials and goods, will pay off with high markups and increased sales due to your author's approach.