When using a non-cash settlement system, situations may arise when funds are sent to the wrong recipient. If this happened to you, do not be upset, because you will be able to return the transferred amount.

Step 1
Let's say you transferred funds through an ATM. After entering all the data, you suddenly discover an error in the recipient's current account. In this case, immediately call the call-center, you can see its phone number at the ATM. Explain the whole situation and ask not to make a payment.
Step 2
After that, go to the servicing bank. Here you must write a statement addressed to the head of the department. In the document, indicate the date and amount of the payment, as well as the address of the ATM. Attach a copy of the receipt to your application. If the payment did not manage to leave, the money will be returned to you within 30 days.
Step 3
Well, what if the payment is made and the recipient does not want to return them back? In this case, you should go to court. Write your claim and attach a receipt to it. If the decision is in your favor, the recipient will simply have to return the funds back.
Step 4
If you are a legal entity, you can return the transferred amount in different ways. Let's say you have sent a payment order to the teller. After that, the counterparty calls you and says that his bank details have changed. In this case, you must call your bank. If the payment order has not been posted, it is possible that the teller simply will not issue it.
Step 5
Well, if the payment was made to non-existent details, be sure that the money will be returned within 10 days. If you want to speed up the process, write an application addressed to the head of the legal entity service department.
Step 6
Another situation may arise. Let's say you transferred a certain amount to the wrong supplier. In this case, you can contact the head of that company and ask to return the erroneous transfer, while in the payment order his accountant must indicate on the basis that the transferred amount is a refund.