Taxi service is a very attractive business. Despite the fact that there is competition in it, like in everyone else, if you carefully study the market and prepare a competent business plan, you can count on a decent profit.

It is necessary
- - office space;
- - office equipment;
- - complete staff;
- - advertising campaign,
- - initial capital.
Step 1
First of all, study the market and the activities of competing companies. Identify their strengths and weaknesses. Then develop a business plan and calculate the costs ahead.
Step 2
Choose a name for your company. It should reflect your activity and be sonorous and easy to pronounce.
Step 3
Register a legal entity (LLC) or an individual (IE) person. Choose a taxation system. Many small companies prefer to work according to the simplified system (STS). It offers two ways to pay taxes. You can pay 15% on income (after deducting expenses) and 6%.
Step 4
When the documents are ready, you can start looking for a room. The office can be located in any area. Rent a room, equip it with the necessary equipment, hire dispatchers with competent speech and a pleasant voice, and sign contracts with private cab drivers.
Step 5
Purchase 3 lines to receive calls. To do this, you only need one phone number. Buy 3 computers and programs for taxi services O-taxi, Maxima or Infinity. Special programs will help keep track of calls, keep in touch with drivers and automatically determine the cost of the trip.
Step 6
When everything is ready, think about an advertising campaign. You want as many people as possible to know about your organization. An effective step will be to create a website. Also, order flyers and brochures. They can be pasted and distributed near large shopping centers.
Step 7
At first, it is necessary to distinguish favorably from competitors. So think about how you can get potential customers interested. Offer special rates at specific times of the day. Make discounts on second and subsequent trips.
Step 8
To create a taxi service, you will need from 150 thousand rubles of initial capital. The profit will average 30%.
Step 9
There is another option for the development of this business, but it implies a solid investment. In addition to opening a dispatch service, you can organize your own taxi company. In this case, you will need to purchase cars, hire drivers and foremen who will carry out maintenance of the cars.