We are all familiar with the advertisements that are broadcast on TV channels about sending SMS to a short number to receive a link to download content for mobile phones - games, programs, melodies and pictures. This business is so simple that it is quite within the power to organize it yourself. To do this, it is enough to exactly follow a certain chain of actions. The profitability of an SMS service directly depends on how actively you use ads and how attractive your content is.

Step 1
First of all, you need an idea in a business plan format. This will come in handy both for you to have a clearer idea of what steps you are planning to take towards the goal, and in order to provide excerpts from it to the aggregator companies, about interaction with which you will learn a little later.
Step 2
In order to conduct such activities, you need to have the status of a legal entity. You can open as complex forms such as LLC, or just be an individual entrepreneur. It is advisable that your legal entity has its own current account to which the proceeds will be transferred.
Step 3
An aggregator company is a company that takes on the time it takes to conclude agreements with mobile operators under the terms of transferring money from the subscriber's account for sending SMS. In case you are starting a home business, or you are new to this business, this is the easiest way. After concluding an agreement with an aggregator company, you receive a package of technical documentation that contains information on your interaction with it and managing your personal account on the aggregator's website.
Step 4
Please note that you may need programming skills to interact with the aggregator. If you do not have them, take care of this in advance by hiring an IT specialist to set up.
Step 5
When working, keep in mind that both aggregators and mobile operators have their own percentage of each SMS sent. From each SMS, the aggregator takes from five to fifteen percent, while the mobile operator can take up to forty-five percent. By deducting taxes, you get about half of the amount paid by the client, and the money is credited to your account at the end of the month following the reporting month.