Organizing a people transport business should start with a competent business plan. Clear planning of actions, income and expenses will help you earn maximum profit in a short time.

Step 1
First of all, calculate the approximate amount of monthly costs. Let's say you are going to rent a room for a dispatcher. Record the monthly payment in your business plan. It is better to write all the data in a tabular form, so you will not get confused in the calculations.
Step 2
Cars can be rented or drivers with a personal car can be hired. And in fact, and in another case, you will contribute to the maintenance of transport. Put all this in your business plan.
Step 3
Think about how many drivers and dispatchers you need to hire. Also set the salary for each employee. Someone has to do the accounting, you can contact a third-party organization or hire an accountant. Include these costs in your business plan as well.
Step 4
You will have to rent a radio communication channel to be able to communicate at a distance. Record the amount of the monthly fee in the business plan.
Step 5
Enter the receivables as well, because the drivers do not give all the proceeds to the cashier. As a rule, calculations are made in percentage terms.
Step 6
If you purchased any equipment or furniture, also reflect this in your business plan. Let's say you bought office furniture, office equipment, etc. Calculate the monthly depreciation charge for fixed assets, indicate it in the business plan.
Step 7
Here you should indicate possible problems and ways to solve them as the business develops. For example, errors in the calculation of received applications or conflict situations between drivers associated with the execution of applications. To avoid all this, you can purchase a hardware complex that needs to be installed and configured. All of this costs money, and the total must be included in the plan as well.
Step 8
Please also indicate the approximate amount of income. Include driver fees for applications here. Calculate expense, income. Determine the payback period of the project.