In order for advertising in the media to be effective and bring more profit, new customers for the company, it is necessary to carefully plan its placement. The process of selecting the media that is optimal for a given advertising campaign is called media planning.

A media plan is a document containing all the information about a specific advertisement in the media. It is compiled based on the results of marketing research and contains answers to questions: where to place ads, how often, on what days and what time, how much money will be spent on placement, etc.
How a media plan is created
First, you need to clearly define the characteristics of the advertised product: its benefits, usefulness for the audience, for whom it is intended, etc. The more information you write about a product, the better.
At the first stage of media planning, the target audience of the advertising campaign is determined: the status of people, age, tastes, interests. For the effectiveness of advertising in the media, it is necessary to determine how people move around the city: what transport they use, in which areas they often visit.
Based on your audience and product information, identify effective media for your ad campaign. These can be magazines, newspapers, radio, television, outdoor advertising.
Next, determine the budget for the advertising campaign and calculate how much advertising you can afford. Schedule your radio and television ads: at what time, how many times a day. For outdoor advertising, determine where the media will be located, what size. In the print media, you need to describe how long the advertisement will be printed, on which page.
Determine the timing of the advertising campaign and set goals for yourself to achieve. This will help determine the effectiveness of the campaign after its completion.
Which media to choose
Each media has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages of television: coverage of all segments of the population, regardless of age, status and location of people. It is also possible to visually present the product. Disadvantages of TV: High cost of advertising, especially during prime time (the time when more people watch TV).
Radio pluses: the ability to send short messages, as well as background mode. People hear your advertisements on the road, in a store, in beauty salons, etc. Cons: no visual impact.
Advantages of print media: clear separation of the audience. You can also place coupons, samples, polls, etc. there. Cons: fragility of editions.
Advantages of outdoor advertising: people notice it regardless of their desire. Cons: You need to think carefully about the message so that it attracts attention and is read in 2-3 seconds.