A successful slogan creates a positive perception of the company or brand among consumers. You just need to choose effective words, and the interest in the products of the advertised company will increase several times. This can be easily done by knowing the basic techniques for creating memorable slogans.

The slogan is the company's motto, a short advertising slogan designed to strengthen the brand's position and attract the attention of potential consumers. A successful slogan has great marketing value. The brighter and more original the text of the slogan is, the more likely it will be remembered by consumers and arouse interest in the products of the advertised company. There are certain criteria and techniques for creating effective slogans that every advertiser and copywriter needs to know.
The main criteria for a catchy slogan
1. Brevity. For the slogan to be better remembered, it should be extremely short and should not contain "abstruse" phrases. In the minds of the target audience, too long slogans are not postponed. A short and capacious phrase will be remembered faster and will have a greater effect (“All ingenious - Holsten”).
2. The slogan should be rhythmic. Better yet, it contains rhyme (for example, "Your pussy would buy Whiskas", "Rondo. Fresh breath makes it easier to understand"). Such advertising slogans do not hurt the ear and are remembered much better.
3. The slogan should refer the consumer to the product. The most successful slogans are those that mention the name of the company or brand (for example, “There is an idea - there is Ikea”). In this case, the slogan will not lose its relevance and will always be associated by consumers with a certain brand.
4. The slogan should evoke positive emotions. This will definitely affect the attitude of buyers towards the brand or company. Use intonation to give your slogan the right emotional flavor. A good example is the phrases “Sprite. Don't let yourself dry up! " and "Don't slow down - Snickersney!"
5. The slogan must be unique. It is unacceptable to copy the idea of a slogan from competitors.
Techniques for creating successful slogans
To create bright emotional slogans, advertising specialists use the following techniques:
1) Play on words: "Purity is pure Tide";
2) Humor: “Sprite. The image is nothing - thirst is everything "or" Time with the Fat man flies unnoticed! " (advertisement for Tolstyak beer);
3) A question or appeal to the consumer: "Are you still wearing white?" (Tide fairy effect), "You deserve it" (L'Oréal);
4) Artistic techniques: highlighting sound or rhythm, using neologisms, quotes, sayings, oppositions, paraphrases, etc. ("M-M-M, Danone …", "Have a good Pepsi day", "Seven troubles - one answer", "Take life by the horns").
5) Shocking: "Don't ssy - we'll get there!" (AVTOVAZ). By the way, shocking slogans are popular with many consumers. Recall, for example, Euroset, which used profanity in its slogans. The share of this company has grown by 5% in a short time, and all thanks to its scandalous slogans.
In general, writing slogans is not such a difficult process. They just demand creativity and originality from advertisers. If you have these qualities, you can easily create a capacious and memorable slogan that will enhance the image of the brand you represent.