Good selling advertising comes from the process of repeated testing and improvement of the copy. Budgets don't always allow for such experiments. So that money does not go to waste, it makes sense to use the advice of our contemporary, the great advertising copywriter Gary Halbert. Let's consider how to come up with effective advertising for any product that is usually advertised through newspapers and magazines with minimal costs.

Step 1
Visit a nearby area. In general, try to get as far from your city as possible. But not so far, where the mentality of people is completely different.
Step 2
Buy local magazines and newspapers from newsstands a few weeks in advance. You need newspapers that advertise the product you are selling in your city. Naturally, local firms advertise slightly differently. You need to find all their ads.
Step 3
Pay attention to which announcements are repeated from room to room. Most likely, they bring clients to the company.
Step 4
Adapt these texts to suit your situation. Look for good ideas that are not used in your city. Do not plagiarize and copy your ad thoroughly. Think about what you can learn from the information you get to beat your competitors.