When starting to promote your company, it is important to decide on the three components of the marketing policy. Answer the questions: what do you produce, for whom do you produce, how does your product differ from competitors' products. Having received the answers, you can start promoting.

It is necessary
brand book, list of industry and business media, computer, telephone
Step 1
Develop a brand book describing the concept of your own company and the main products or services it offers. Don't forget to create a portrait of your target audience - with demographics as well as consumer preferences. Such research can be purchased from major marketing agencies, but it is preferable to develop it yourself. Indeed, only in this case the consumer niche will be determined as accurately as possible. In addition to this data, a display of the competitive advantages of your products should be found in the brand book.
Step 2
Make a list of the media that are receiving the attention of your target audience. Find a way to befriend the journalists and editors working for those publications. When you develop news stories and compose press releases based on them, a personal acquaintance with the writing fraternity will be very useful.
Step 3
Invite journalists to press conferences from time to time. To get them to attend your events, arrange them the right way. The layout can be as follows: 10-20 minutes. - the official part, an hour and a half - a buffet table, during which the pen and air workers will be able to communicate with each other, they love it very much.
Step 4
Do not forget to prepare information folders for journalists. Usually these are electronic media with a copy of the brand book of the company that you are promoting, interviews with its head and specialists in charge of the main departments. Also, the information folder should contain professional product photos or other images that would be able to illustrate your news story.
Step 5
Promote your company through comments and expert opinions of the business owner distributed to correspondents of business, analytical, and industry media. In order for journalists to contact you when writing an editorial or review article, you need to periodically remind yourself of yourself.
Step 6
Call, ask what materials are planned for the next number. Ask if you can be useful in informational terms, etc. Don't be afraid to seem intrusive. As one prominent American advertiser Bill Bernbach put it, the biggest risk is the risk of going unnoticed.