For a very large number of entrepreneurs, promoting their company at minimal cost is a very urgent task. However, in this case, one should not forget that there are many pitfalls on the way of low-budget technologies. On the one hand, at a minimum, you should maintain your customer base, and on the other, try to stand out in the market and attract new customers. The task is quite difficult, and here are some tips that you might find helpful.

It is necessary
you need a small budget for this
Step 1
Earn the trust of your customers. In the conditions of the economic crisis, every client is important for the company. Try to look at your brand, your product / service as if from the outside - through the eyes of the client. Think about what attracts customers to your company, and what, on the contrary, scares away. Try to create optimal and attractive conditions for your regular customers.
Step 2
Feedback. Conduct a questionnaire or survey among your regular customers and partners - what they like and what they don't like in the work of your company, which product or service is the most attractive, and which one is wasting space on the shelves. Thus, you can change the position of the company for the better and make the assortment more diverse and in demand.
Step 3
Study your competitors. Someone prefers to be friends with competitors. However, this can be afforded by large companies that have long and firmly held their place in the market. It is very useful for a developing company to study the product of a successful competitor, its development and promotion strategy, work on the Internet, pricing policy. If there is a worthy role model, feel free to follow it.
Step 4
Use barter. Agree with a friendly firm to exchange links and banners on the site, advertising brochures and leaflets. Conduct a joint promotion.
Step 5
Office as a place of sale. Let your office be the sales person of your company's solid reputation. Your office or store is obliged to inspire the client with the idea that everything you do, you do for his convenience and benefit. Your client should feel himself in your office or shop in such a way that the thought: “It's good here, I like it here”.
Step 6
Train your staff. Take the time to train your staff. Remember that a good seller not only in all the intricacies should know all the pros and cons of the product, but also to speak politely and culturally with the visitor.
Step 7
Optimize your site. Study the sites of successful companies in your direction, occupying the first lines of the search engine rankings. See how they are promoting them online, what they are posting, how they serve up information and attract customers. Take advantage of their experience and complement it with your own specialties.