Checking your bank card account balance is usually easy. This can be done at any ATM, by phone or via the Internet. This option is mostly free, but it can cost a small amount charged monthly, annually, or on a one-off basis.

It is necessary
- - a plastic card;
- - bank phone number;
- - mobile or landline phone;
- - a computer;
- - access to the Internet;
- - scratch card (if available) and a coin;
- - ATM.
Step 1
The difference between a plastic card and cash in a wallet is that you can't tell how much money is on it. There could be billions, maybe zero. Many banks provide a service for informing the client about the balance on the account and all movements of money through it by SMS and / or e-mail.
Messages about crediting and debiting money on the account are received after each operation. In addition, the bank informs about the account balance once a day. This service can be provided for a separate fee or be included in the package price with an annual or monthly commission. But it does not always allow you to get an answer how much money is available right now.
Step 2
One of the ways to quickly check the balance of money on the card is an ATM. In this case, it is not necessary to look for the device of your bank, any that will be at hand will do. Insert the card into the ATM, enter the PIN-code and select the option "Account balance" (or "Account balance"). Some ATMs immediately print a receipt with the answer to our question, others offer a choice - display it on the receipt or on the screen. Having answered, the ATM will most often offer a choice whether you want another transaction (withdraw cash, pay through the device for services, etc.) or pick up the card. But there are those who immediately give the card.
Step 3
To check your account by phone, you need to call the bank. The phone number is indicated on the back of the card. Often, along with the landline number, there is also a toll-free number for the caller with a prefix 800. In this case, the bank pays for the conversation. This is convenient when making calls from a mobile phone or from another city.
Most likely, an autoinformer will answer, the prompts of which will tell you which key to press to select the desired option. For identification, the bank will ask you to enter the card number. Usually, a special code is also required, which the client receives with the card, when activating the service, or he comes up with when activating the card.
Step 4
In the presence of Internet banking (it is provided by most credit organizations, since in modern conditions there is usually no point in banking services without it), the balance can be easily checked via the Internet. To do this, go to the appropriate page on the bank's website and enter your username and password.
Some banks also issue scratch cards with variable codes to customers. The system asks for the code number, the client erases the protective field on the card opposite the corresponding digit (preferably with the edge of a coin) and enters the opened code. Then it remains to navigate the links in the system interface.