How To Fill Out The P-4 Form In

How To Fill Out The P-4 Form In
How To Fill Out The P-4 Form In

Table of contents:


P-4 is a form of state statistical observation, which is provided for the formation of statistical dependence and analysis of the state of the labor market in the Russian Federation. This form is called "Information on the number, wages and movement of employees" and is designated by the number 0606010 in the public classifier of management documentation. Form P-4 is filled out by legal entities of all types of economic activity and all forms of ownership, regardless of the number of personnel.

How to fill out the P-4 form
How to fill out the P-4 form


Step 1

Form P-4, the instructions for filling out which are presented below, is mandatory for submission by the territorial body of the Federal State Statistics Service at the place of registration of the organization. Remember that if your organization has up to 15 employees, then you need to submit this form every quarter; if the number of staff exceeds 15 people, fill out the form monthly.

Step 2

On the title page, indicate the full name of your organization, which is spelled out in the constituent documents. Give a short name in parentheses next to it. If the legal address of your organization does not coincide with the actual one, indicate both. Next, indicate the OKPO code assigned to the organization by the territorial authority of Rosstat. If in the reporting period your organization did not carry out payroll, fill out the P-4 form without specifying these data.

Step 3

In Section 1 of this form, provide general information about the organization and actual types of economic activity. Also here indicate the number of employees, accrued wages and hours worked. To calculate the average headcount for a month, add up the daily headcount and divide the resulting amount by the number of calendar days in the reporting month. The list number of employees on a day off or a public holiday shall be taken equal to the number on the previous day.

Step 4

Section 2 of the P-4 form is devoted to the movement of workers. Here, fill in based on payroll employees as a whole for the organization for the year, without taking into account information about the types of economic activities. In the column "hired workers" reflect the data on the workers hired by the company in the reporting year. Take the number of dismissed employees equal to the total number of people who left their jobs in the reporting year, regardless of the reasons for the dismissal. Do not include external part-time workers in the number of retired and hired employees on the payroll.
