Quarantine and telecommuting have made the employee performance problem even more acute. Can you solve it? Yes. Here are the real steps for doing this.

How to get staff to work? And you don't need to force anyone. It is much more interesting when the approach to doing the work is deliberate. If the company still has a situation that has to be forced, then it is necessary to introduce some systemic changes.
Let's start in order. The company must have a specific goal, expressed in terms of profit figures. And in a reasonable figure. There is a break-even point calculation, and you need to dance from it. And for some reason, not all companies carry out such a calculation (simple, by the way).
Further. We describe the process of making a profit by indicators. That is, what needs to be done step by step to get the desired profit. For example, for trade, the simplest indicators are: 1) the number of people who entered the store), 2) the conversion rate, which shows the share of completed sales from the number of visitors, 3) the average check, reflecting the usual value of one sale, 4) the margin ratio, which shows the share of profit in the total sales volume. Each company will have different metrics variations. But the essence is the same - a digital business model is obtained.
Now you need to set these indicators to target values. We start from statistics and / or standards. The task for the same merchant is to calculate how many visitors to the store are needed so that, with the usual conversions and an average check for the company, the required sales volume is obtained. The required volume is determined from the margin pledged during pricing.
And this is where the work on the distribution of responsibilities among the staff begins. The task is for each performer to be assigned certain indicators that he must perform in a certain amount. The principle of the conveyor - everyone at their workplace professionally performs their function.
Typical mistakes in companies that lead to staff inefficiency:
- non-specific setting of tasks,
- vague responsibilities,
- lack of an objective assessment of work results,
- lack of adaptability (regulations) to perform duties.
You need to get rid of such mistakes so that you don't have to force the staff to work. For this:
- we set tasks in numbers,
- we tie the responsibilities of the performers to the relevant indicators (for example, the number of primary contacts should be ensured by the person responsible for the advertisement),
- we set the planned sizes of indicators for each performer,
- the regulations show what and how to do to achieve these indicators.
It remains to link the implementation of planned indicators to the motivation scheme. Indicators are an objective assessment of results. Completed = earned.
If all calculations are carried out taking into account the real situation, then a system is obtained. Reasonable work plan, the implementation of which depends on the fulfillment of tasks at each site. The tasks are not only real - they are also explained by the regulations (standards, regulations), what needs to be done to accomplish them. This is a technology that works great in manufacturing and can work in the same way in any business.
The final stage. The system must have performers capable of performing the assigned tasks with the established parameters, that is, professionals in their field in a certain area. With a reservation - ready to work for the payment you have appointed. This is what the search for co-workers boils down to. Monitoring indicators will show the degree of their professionalism.
But what if the employee is not coping with the planned tasks? There are two options. Either he makes every effort to learn how to work according to the established rules, or he is replaced. Took up the tug - do not say that it is not hefty.
And you don't need to force anyone to work.