Personnel motivation is the main employee management tool that contributes to increased productivity and growth of the company.

Employee motivation methods
Motivation methods can be divided into economic incentives (cash bonuses, material incentives, etc.) and non-economic methods of influencing personnel (letters of gratitude, gratitude, methods of organizing work and improving working conditions).
The impact can be both positive and negative in the form of fines, deprivation of part of the bonus or privileges.
According to the method of influence, motivation can be divided into material incentives, social security and moral and psychological satisfaction of needs. Material incentives are cash payments in the form of bonuses and allowances. Social security includes medical insurance, additional leave, partial payment for vouchers or treatment, and more. The satisfaction of moral and psychological needs is understood as the creation of decent working conditions, the provision of a separate room, official vehicles, as well as such insignificant but important details as recognizing the importance of an employee by awarding diplomas and letters of thanks.
Effective impact on personnel
The purpose of motivation is the recognition by the employee of his contribution to the activities and development of the company, creating confidence in the future, the value of his workplace and position. An employee will be conscientious and responsible if the work meets his basic needs: in terms of financial parameters, in terms of emotional comfort and career opportunities.
Planned bonuses and bonuses over time begin to be perceived as an integral part of wages. As a result, their main meaning is lost, they cease to motivate. To increase labor productivity and the quality of work performed, monetary rewards should be unplanned. At the same time, they must be justified and consolidate the positive results of the employee's activity.
Only gifts should be attributed to planned, expected rewards. These are New Year's surprises, including for the children of employees, birthday bonuses and organizing a celebration on a professional holiday.
Phased reward is also an important method of effective simulation. To achieve the set goals sometimes it takes more than one month of hard work. But the closer the goal is, the more stress and the length of the wait will affect the employee. As a result, the result can be very different from what was planned. In these situations, it is much more economical and effective to stimulate the employee after each successfully completed stage of work.
In certain situations, punishment or its possibility also serves as a motivator. However, it is important for the employer not to cross the line by becoming an avenger. Since a really effective impact is provided by a punishment that prevents the development of negative consequences for the company. It should act as a barrier to corrective action for a negligent employee.
So, the effective methods of employee motivation include those that:
- reward the employee's professional achievements;
- are unexpected, and therefore more pleasant;
- give additional privileges and opportunities;
- emphasize the importance of the employee's participation in the activities of the company;
- provide social benefits not only to the employee himself, but also to his family members.