Sooner or later, the manager realizes that the “ruble” is not always the best way to motivate. Salaries in similar fields and among people with a similar level of training rarely differ significantly. And rarely, what budget will withstand regular and significant salary increases - small increments are most often perceived by employees negatively. Non-financial motivation is what will help to unite the team, increase labor efficiency and reduce staff turnover.

Encouragement should be helpful
It is worth remembering that intangible motivation is not a bonus that everyone can spend at their own discretion. The distribution of benefits must be appropriate and timely. Otherwise, you can get the opposite reaction: "It would be better if they wrote out the prize." It is optimal if the manager or employees of the HR department select something special for each employee. This rule also applies to corporate gifts, otherwise the phrase that the team is one big family will remain a toast.
More freedom - more efficiency
Even if employees manage to complete their tasks on time, and read the rest of the time, sit in social networks, no one will tell you about it. Revolutionize: If an employee gets the job done in a short time without compromising on quality, then you can offer him additional paid weekends or a shorter work schedule. If the specifics of the work do not allow "leaving the office empty" - plan the work schedule in such a way that there is always one of the competent specialists there.
In addition, employees often agree with each other about substitution, letting colleagues go for a couple of hours. Do not "break" the working mechanism, let the employees solve such issues on their own, however, keeping a log of absences. Everything will remain in place, but the person will not be nervous about: "The authorities will notice the absence." The bosses will always notice - another question is how they will react to this. It is worth making sure that mutual assistance does not cross the boundaries of what is permissible.
Use your free time effectively
Webinars, additional education courses can be combined with the workflow. This method is especially good if the specialist cannot be given extra days off or a shorter working day. Invite the team to sign up for classes that interest them. This can be the study of foreign languages, trainings or distance learning. The amount of knowledge and skills among employees is growing - the company is flourishing.
Parties - no
The time has already passed when the quality of a corporate party was measured by the amount of alcohol consumed. Many people have things to do at home, worries, and possibly a part-time job. Not everyone has enough time for entertainment. If the budget of the company allows and wants a bright holiday - combine it with a trip to the resort. Many hotels, including Russian ones, offer services for organizing corporate recreation, this includes training seminars and discussions with invited specialists.
Five secrets of intangible motivation
1. Don't ignore employee suggestions. Be sure to pay the attention of the team if you used the ideas of a particular employee.
2. Be open to the team, because you are one big family.
3. Form ownership of the company by inviting, for example, regular managers to a planning meeting.
4. Use the skills that the employee values in himself, even if it does not belong to his competence. It is possible that this employee will eventually take on a different position and become more productive.
5. Change the employee's status periodically. This does not mean that you need to give more rights or change his actual position. Hotel projects that allow you to improve your status are an excellent motivation tool.
One last thing: learn to be grateful. Letters, certificates of honor, employment record, press mentions, signed mementos are just a few of the many ways to express gratitude.