Every business owner at least once faced with a lack of motivation to work with staff. It seemed that the selected people had all the necessary competencies and were conscientious, but the efficiency of their work left much to be desired. To make this happen as rarely as possible, it makes sense to create a staff motivation system.

Step 1
To determine the motivation of an employee, it is worth analyzing the following:
1. compliance of his competence with the position held. a law graduate will not work well as a secretary - he is not interested and does not need it. On the contrary, an employee who is too young may be afraid of a responsible position and even cope with rather simple tasks not the first time.
2. the main motivators. For most, these are cash bonuses, but someone else is also important, for example, the opportunity to study.
3. main demotivators. You need to find out what reasons good employees can leave from your company (rare salary increases, breach of contract, etc.) and minimize these reasons.
4. consistency of motivation. If the project was carried out by the whole department, then everyone deserves the award, including the interns, and not just the head of the department.
Step 2
It is important to remember that motivation is an ongoing process. It is impossible to "motivate" an employee at one time and for a long time. Also, all employees are different. Someone's salary is more important, for someone other factors are also important. Therefore, motivation should be designed to bring some benefit to everyone, for which, accordingly, it is important to know the needs of all employees.
Step 3
Having analyzed the main factors of motivating employees specifically for your company, it is worth highlighting the key factors (those that are found in almost everyone) and single ones. Depending on this, it is possible to create a motivation system that would, to varying degrees, include the ability to meet the needs of all employees. For example, if 8 out of 10 employees in your company indicated the need for a salary increase, then it makes sense to develop a system for a small salary increase every six months. If 3 out of 10 employees recognized friendly relations in the company as a motivating factor, then it is worth considering the possibility of holding an extra corporate event. But since this can motivate only a small part of employees, it is not worth focusing on raising corporate spirit.