The reasons for starting a company can be different. For example, a sense of self-confidence, dissatisfaction with the existing situation, or a desire to test your personality in a new quality. In turn, one desire is very little, so you have to solve a number of important issues for yourself.

The success of your business will depend on many factors. And most importantly, it is necessary to determine the type of activity of the future company, to assess its state in the market. Next, analyze your financial as well as business opportunities, find partners.
The first year of a company after its inception is usually the most difficult. That is why most organizations stop working in the first year of their own activity. Dreams of profit pass as soon as the company encounters the first difficulties. At the same time, the reliability of partners is of great importance.
You should not create a joint stock company or make any unrealistic plans without having a sufficiently solid economic foundation. Better to start small. Pay attention and strength to only one or two types of activity, and you will always have time to expand.
Think about how you want to work: alone or with the involvement of workers. If you are not planning to hire anyone yet and want to test your own capabilities, then at the very initial stage, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be optimal. However, if you feel the most confident and you have partners, then registering a company will be the most correct decision.
Now you have 2 options: register a company from scratch, for this you need an initial registration, or buy a ready-made organization.
During the initial registration, you will be aware of all the operations that are performed by the company, because after its registration, all documentation is transferred to the founder of the company or the head. That is why illegal work in such a company, bypassing the leaders, will be simply impossible. The cost of registration services is several times lower than a ready-made company.
At the same time, the purchase of a ready-made company can be quite risky, but almost immediately after its acquisition, you will be able to make various transactions on behalf of this legal entity.
Just keep in mind, if you still decide to purchase a ready-made organization, that after you get your hands on a package of its documents, you will need to register the changes in the change of the head and the composition of the company's participants, as well as other information in order to be its full owner. This, in turn, will require a certain amount of time and financial costs from you.
In the event that you want to protect yourself and build a business on your own, then you need to decide on some questions: the name of the organization, its address, type of activity, authorized capital, founders, form of taxation.