Starting your own business is a very difficult and responsible business. First you have to fight and "go ahead" to achieve the goals and position of your company. Then it is necessary at least to keep her "afloat" or "nurture" like a child …

The successful establishment of your business may depend on certain factors. And first you need to decide on the type of activity that will be carried out in the future organization, and you should also assess the position of the selected type of activity on the market as a whole. After that, analyze your capabilities (financial and business).
Pay close attention to attracting partners if you don't already have one. Rate their reliability. After all, it is with them that you will always need to find compromises and ways to solve various problems. The first year of operation of the enterprise after its establishment is the most difficult.
If you are not confident in your own strengths and capabilities, then do not open a large company right away. Better to start a small business, then you can grow it.
Consider how many workers you need to hire to keep the business running smoothly.
Make a business plan for your future enterprise. Come up with a name for your future company.
Collect all the documents that are required when registering a business. Then register it and get your business license. You can also make it easier - buy a ready-made enterprise.
Better, of course, to start your own business and open a company by registering it yourself. In this case, you will be aware of all the transactions performed by the firm. After all, after its registration, each document is transferred to the founder or head of the enterprise. And the cost of services during registration will cost you several times less than the acquisition of a ready-made company.
In turn, the purchase of a ready-made enterprise can be a very risky step, but almost immediately after the purchase, you will be able to carry out various transactions on behalf of this legal entity.