What You Need To Open A Beauty Salon

What You Need To Open A Beauty Salon
What You Need To Open A Beauty Salon

The beauty of a beauty salon lies in a small investment. Usually, the cost of starting this type of business starts at $ 10,000, if your ambitions are limited to a small hairdresser - and even less. The main condition for success is the skill of employees and the notorious human factor.

What you need to open a beauty salon
What you need to open a beauty salon

First, htibnt, which one do you want to open the salon. It can be a small hairdresser with a minimum set of traditional services (manicure, pedicure) or a high-tech health center with body shaping devices and SPA procedures.

It is preferable to choose a room for a salon in a residential area or in the center. According to sanitary standards, the minimum footage for the first workplace should be 14 square meters, for each subsequent place, 7 square meters is enough. Consider this when choosing and furnishing a room. Pay attention also to the quality hot and cold water supply, ventilation and air conditioning.

From furniture and equipment for a beauty salon, you need to purchase at least a hairdressing chair, a cabinet for storing tools, a dryer, climazone and sterilizers. Typically, the total cost of equipment per job is in the range of $ 1000-1500.

For manicure and pedicure, you need a special chair and stool, a manicure table, a hydromassage bath and sterilizers. Again, for each master, according to the requirements of the sanitary and epidemiological supervision, there should be 3 changes of working linen. A significant supply of towels and napkins is also needed for the client.

Of course, a beauty salon should have shampoos, balms, mousses and various special products. Well, magazines to entertain customers.

Fortunately, hairdressers mostly work with their own tools, so you can save money on this cost item. Although, of course, a certain minimum is required.

When opening a beauty salon, also think about related activities, such as the sale of cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. The income from their sale is usually 10-15% of the total revenue.

The very process of opening a beauty salon is quite simple. First you need to:

- register your entrepreneurial activity;

- register with tax and social funds;

- rent a room;

- get a certificate from firefighters and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Do not forget also that when opening a salon on the first floor of a new building, you must first obtain the written consent of all nearby neighbors.
