People buy shares of different companies in order to receive dividends from them - every high school student knows this. However, in the world of investments, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. And you need to understand how to buy shares of companies in order to make a profit.

In order to buy shares of Russian and foreign companies, you need to have a brokerage account - this is your personal account that you need to open on a brokerage site.
Through a broker, you will buy shares on the Moscow or St. Petersburg stock exchange. It is almost impossible to do this on your own, because only brokers have access to trading on the exchange.
The main condition for your cooperation with the chosen broker is that he has a state license and permission to operate. Also check out its service rates. If at first there is not much money, then it is better to choose a cheaper tariff so that there are small commissions for servicing the account and for each transaction. Also, an important factor when choosing a broker is the threshold for opening an account. Some sites start working with significant amounts, but there are those that even with one thousand rubles you can open an account there.
- simple brokerage account;
- individual investment account (IIA).
The difference is that you can receive tax deductions from an individual investment account - 13%. These deductions are made after three years; before this period, money cannot be withdrawn from the account.
So if you plan to withdraw money within three years, it is better to open a regular brokerage account.
You need to put money into the account, and then buy shares. This is done here, on the broker's website. Shares are now not paper, but electronic, that is, you cannot hold them in your hands.
And this is where the fun begins. We start to think: which stocks to choose? On hearing the largest and most famous companies, which, it seems, should guarantee high dividends to their shareholders.
You can, of course, buy several shares of these companies. However, one of the most important conditions in order not to “warm up” while investing in stocks is diversification. That is, the division of funds for different companies. Therefore, take a look at different companies from those sectors of the economy that are currently developing steadily.
But that's not all. Experienced investors are advised to diversify on several grounds. That is, divide your money into several parts. And buy shares of not only Russian companies, but also foreign ones. For this, you need access to the St. Petersburg Stock Exchange - it is she who trades such shares.
So in your investment portfolio there will be diversification by currencies. And if the ruble "sags", the dollar will save, and vice versa.
Experienced investors are also advised to buy not only stocks, but also bonds. They do not give such high profits, but they are stable. And stocks are constantly "jumping", and one day I can fall so much in price that then they will recover for a very long time. And dividends can also drop very much, so during this time you will not receive any profit.
Moreover, you need to monitor the fluctuations in stock prices - watch the dynamics of growth or fall in prices at least once a week. And if you see that the price has begun to fall strongly, it is better to sell the stock and buy others.
Although you can choose another style of investing - long-term. This is done by investors who live on a buy-and-forget basis. Well, this is also an option.