Recently, more and more investors have begun to pay attention specifically to the shares of foreign companies, since they are considered more stable and reliable, in addition, since recently almost everyone can buy them by investing money in an appropriate mutual investment fund (MIF). You can also use the services of a broker trading on foreign exchanges.

Step 1
If you are ready to invest a relatively small amount in the shares of foreign companies, then it is better to do it through a mutual fund. The mechanism for investing in them through mutual funds is no different from the mechanism for investing in Russian stocks: you need to choose a mutual fund, consult with its employees about the best way to invest, open an account and transfer money, which investment managers will distribute on profitable securities in their opinion. When planning to buy shares of foreign companies, first of all make sure that the mutual fund of your choice works with them. So far, only fairly large and well-known organizations are engaged in this.
Step 2
Think about what you expect from investing in foreign securities. Do you want to get a relatively large and quick profit or just invest a little in reliable financial instruments on a stable basis? In the first case, it will be necessary to look for an opportunity to invest in shares of foreign developing, "young" companies. Well suited for this, for example, shares of companies in the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China). But buying such shares carries certain risks. In the second case, it would be better to choose the shares of long-standing companies from developed countries.
Step 3
If you prefer to make decisions on the purchase of certain shares yourself, you will need to find a broker who buys foreign shares. An agreement is concluded with a broker, which sets out the rules for making transactions and his remuneration. An account with a foreign bank is opened for you, through which you will transfer funds to a broker.
Step 4
After the conclusion of the agreement, you just have to study the analytical reports on the shares of foreign companies (preferably through the websites of foreign agencies) and instruct the broker to buy certain shares. It also makes sense to purchase the "Electronic Trading Terminal" program, which will allow you to receive information about the dynamics of prices for certain shares through your own computer or laptop. Through such a terminal, you can give instructions to the broker directly.