A moment comes, and for various reasons, the Internet user asks about making money. Someone is tired of going to sites and watching video clips, and someone is worried about their financial situation.

It is necessary
1) Internet
Step 1
Probably, you have already driven requests for earnings into search engines and saw there a lot of offers for earnings and promises about huge money. In fact, this is all deception. You will never make $ 100 an hour while doing nothing or pressing buttons. But advertising is the engine of commerce, which is why everything is so tempting. But you can make money, and the first thing you need to do is set yourself up for work. It is for work, because, as you know, there is no easy money, and free cheese is only in a mousetrap.
Step 2
Now you need to set yourself a goal of earning. Or you come to the Internet for good earnings, which can turn from additional income into the main way of making money. Or you need money to meet minor needs, such as paying for the Internet or recharging your cell phone balance.
Step 3
Next, we register in the "webmoney" and "Yandex. Money" payment systems. All payment transactions in Runet pass mainly through them.
Step 4
If you need a small, but constant income, then we register in all kinds of postal services, click-offices, boxes. The work will consist in reading letters that come to you by mail, clicks on the proposed sites, banners and other services. You can work by participating in surveys. The earnings offered here will be small but stable. But for this you will have to register with many companies at once.
Step 5
For more serious earnings, you need to work more, and in a slightly different direction. First, you need to create a website and promote it, earn on advertising, clicks, links. To do this, you need to be well versed in site building. In addition, it takes a lot of work to promote the site and attract visitors to it. You feel what a difficult job lies ahead.
Step 6
You can do without a website. To do this, you can get a job as a freelancer. A freelancer is a free worker who earns by writing and editing articles, creating a website, writing scripts and programs for money. When working as a freelancer, you yourself determine the working day and type of work. Of course, this requires certain knowledge and skills. To write articles, you need to be literate, for programming, you need to know special languages. Therefore, everything depends only on you and your skills.