When To Apply To Sberbank For A New Loan After The Old One Is Repaid

When To Apply To Sberbank For A New Loan After The Old One Is Repaid
When To Apply To Sberbank For A New Loan After The Old One Is Repaid

The need to obtain a loan from Sberbank may arise completely unexpectedly, even if the previous debt was repaid quite recently. Nevertheless, it is better not to rush to contact the bank: in order to get a new loan, you should take into account several important factors.

When to apply to Sberbank for a new loan after the old one is repaid
When to apply to Sberbank for a new loan after the old one is repaid

Terms of applying for a new loan

It is not recommended to contact the bank for a new loan if less than one month has passed since the full repayment of the previous one. This period is necessary in order for the organization to systematize all data about the client, especially those related to compliance with a previously concluded contract. Thus, within a month, the formation of the borrower's credit history is completed.

Also, representatives of Sberbank recommend waiting at least a month to be able to fully pay off all remaining debts and solve legislative problems, if any. In particular, exemption from monthly loan repayment allows you to pay off other credit organizations, housing offices, bailiffs, etc. In addition, in order to close a personal file, the same organizations need to transfer a certificate of repayment of credit debt, having received it from the appropriate bank.

Among other things, it is important to carefully calculate your strengths and capabilities before applying for another loan. Think about whether your expenses for food and various household needs have increased, if your family is expected to be replenished, etc. All this will significantly complicate the debt repayment in the manner established by the bank.

Be sure to consider your current position at work. To obtain a loan, you need official employment with a sufficient salary to make the monthly payments provided for under the contract. In addition, it is desirable that the work experience in the current place exceeds 6-12 months. This way the bank will have no doubts that you have a reliable job and you will not lose your solvency.

There are some more reasons to wait one or even several months before going for the next loan. For example, if you showed yourself as a responsible client and did not violate the agreements with the bank, after a while the organization can make you an individual offer for a loan on favorable terms. Also, keep an eye on what services other banks offer. Perhaps a loan will suit you on new terms in a certain of them.

Factors of successful loan approval

As mentioned earlier, in order to obtain a new loan, it is necessary that your solvency remains at least at the same level as before. First of all, this is indicated by the presence of a long-term official job with a stable income. If for some reason you had to quit, start looking for a new job as soon as possible.

Try to avoid the accumulation of any debts and comply with the law in everything. If you were previously faced with any claims, for example, from bailiffs or tax authorities, be sure to obtain from the relevant authorities a certificate of the absence of claims at the present time.

Remember that to apply for a loan in Sberbank, you will need several more documents, including a certificate from the place of work (signed by management), a certificate from the accounting department in the form of 2-NDFL on the amount of wages and tax deductions from it for at least the past six months, valid passport. A significant plus will be the presence of a passport, a personal car not older than 4 years and your own real estate.

It is advisable to show yourself as a loyal client of Sberbank. Take advantage of some of its additional services, for example, open a savings account, order a debit card, etc. At the same time, the availability of additional funds in both the savings and debit accounts will be another plus in favor of obtaining a loan.

If you want to get a loan as soon as possible, try to use the services of the bank more often, make daily purchases, thereby demonstrating your high level of solvency. In the absence of individual proposals from the bank, it is better to apply for a loan slightly larger than the previous one or equivalent to it. If you decide to immediately use a larger loan, there is a high risk that it will be refused. But even in case of refusal, do not despair: just wait another 1-2 months and reapply.
