How To Return Insurance After The Loan Is Repaid

How To Return Insurance After The Loan Is Repaid
How To Return Insurance After The Loan Is Repaid

It is possible to return the insurance after the loan is paid if you act correctly. The borrower, applying to the bank for a loan, must know in advance that he will be offered insurance. It is necessary in order to reduce the risk of non-refund of funds. If the client of the bank makes an early repayment of the loan, there is no need for the policy.

how to return insurance after the loan is repaid
how to return insurance after the loan is repaid

The borrower must take into account some features, then it will be possible to return the insurance after the loan is repaid as soon as possible.

Is it obligatory to issue a policy

If the borrower has applied to the bank to obtain a consumer loan, he should not be imposed a policy. He should think in advance about whether he needs insurance, or he can do without it.

When it comes to getting a mortgage, you need to take into account the provisions of the law. In Art. 31 No. 102-FZ "On Mortgages" states that the property pledged must be insured without fail. If the property is damaged or destroyed, the insurer will assume the client's obligations and transfer the money to the bank.

Taking out insurance is beneficial for the borrower, because the policy also protects his interests. The borrower needs to read the agreement carefully. It must contain information about whether a part of the amount paid for the policy can be refunded if the loan is repaid before the due date.

How to get an overpaid amount back

Having fulfilled its obligations to the organization ahead of schedule, the client may require it to recalculate:

1. Make a recalculation, return the overpaid funds. This is possible if the payment for the insurance policy was paid in full in one payment. Usually, this situation arises when a citizen applies to a bank, and then simultaneously signs a loan and insurance agreement. In this case, the insured amount is deducted from the money that the bank gives to the borrower as a loan.

2. If the insurance was paid by annuity payments, or by differentiated payments, then recalculation and termination of the contract are performed.

A bank client who has fully fulfilled his obligations can return the overpaid amount. He should proceed as follows:

1. Carefully study the documents. It is necessary to clarify the conditions of insurance, and then think about how to return the insurance after the loan is repaid. If the agreement does not say about such a possibility, this does not mean that the borrower's rights may be limited. In this case, you should be guided by the provisions of the law.

2. If the possibility of refunding the amount is prohibited by the contract, it will be more difficult to get the money. The thing is that the bank's client voluntarily put his signature. This means that he agreed to all the conditions and consequences associated with this decision. Therefore, the organization will not return the overpaid funds on a voluntary basis, the citizen will have to go to court.

3. It is necessary to calculate the insurance, having learned the amount to be reimbursed. In fact, it is not necessary to make calculations, but this will be a powerful argument in a conversation with a representative of an insurance company or bank.

4. You need to write a statement. This document should be sent to the beneficiary. This is the organization that received the money from the client. The application should state the requirement to recalculate the insurance, you should also ask for a refund of the overpaid funds.

If the organization does not respond to the appeal, it is worth going to court.

Insurance return period

If the borrower took out a consumer loan, paid it off, and now wants to return the overpaid money for insurance, he will need a package of documents. It should include a copy of your passport and insurance policy. In addition, you will need a copy of the loan agreement concluded earlier. You also need to provide checks confirming the payment of the loan.

The borrower must provide a package of documents to the bank branch where he applied for the loan. The answer must be received within 10 days.

How to draw up a statement correctly

The form must be taken from the manager of the organization. The application must be made in 2 copies, writing it to the name of the head of the department. On one form, an employee of the organization to whom the document will be transferred must put a mark on its acceptance. The appeal must be registered. The applicant will keep the form with the mark, and the second will be handed over to the organization.

It is worth immediately ordering a personal account statement, without waiting for the organization to respond to the claim. From it it will become clear how much the client has paid for the insurance.

If the bank is far away, then you can contact the organization by sending an application by mail. It is best to do this by registered mail with notification, making a list of attachments. The application should indicate the period of waiting for a response. The answer must be in writing.

How banks and insurance companies can discourage payments and how to deal with it

Insurance companies and banks do not always respond to customers. In addition, difficulties may arise when applying to the organization. If the representative of the insurance company does not want to accept the application, you should contact Rospotrebnadzor. Experts will not only advise on many issues, but will also help to defend interests in court.

Since many institutions impose insurance products on customers, courts often decide in favor of the applicant. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to carefully read the loan documents in advance. You need to be careful when signing an agreement at the bank. It is better to immediately clarify the points of doubt.

The activities of insurance and credit and financial organizations are under the control of Rospotrebnadzor. To contact the service, you need to write a statement, attach the bank's answer (if any). You also need to provide a mail notification, it will confirm that the client's application was received by the addressee. An inventory of the documents that were attached to the letter is required.

The client does not always receive a response from the bank or insurance company. If 10 days have passed, no one has contacted the applicant on his appeal, you can go to court. You can file a claim without going through Rospotrebnadzor. But you need to be prepared for the fact that the proceedings will be lengthy. If the amount of the claim is up to 50 thousand rubles, then the case will be considered by the magistrate.


It is possible to return the insurance after the loan is repaid. To do this, you need to write an application in 2 copies, and then send it to a bank or credit institution. This can be done by bringing the documents in person, or by sending a letter with notification and inventory by mail.
