If you are afraid that your savings will depreciate due to currency surges and an incomprehensible situation in the country, then it is time to think about how to invest money profitably and at least not lose it.

Training and additional education. We raise the level of qualifications, sign up for courses and get additional professions. In a crisis at work, layoffs are possible and will say goodbye to the least skilled workers. So, it's time to get additional knowledge and prove yourself as a professional in your field. Also, you can get additional education in the field, which will be easier to find a job in times of crisis.
Immovable and movable property. If you have some savings, it's time to invest them in real estate (buying an apartment, house, cottage, room, garage) or purchase a vehicle (car, motorcycle, bus). Real estate prices will always rise, and the vehicle can, for example, be rented out or used as a taxi. By the way, real estate can also be leased and received "passive" income.
Gold and jewelry. If money can depreciate, then gold and precious stones will help preserve your savings. Gold, diamonds, precious coins do not fall in price and are easy enough to sell.
Updating electronics and household appliances. If you have a need for a large purchase, then it's time to do it. Pay attention to large purchases that can benefit you for a long time. But choose quality items and products with updated software.
Renovation and furniture. Have you been waiting for the right moment for a long time? Then he came. Make quality repairs and renovate furniture in your home or apartment. You will finally make your home even more comfortable and you can easily forget about the need for major repairs for 10-15 years.
Health. Sanatoriums and expensive treatment are not a bad investment in the face of a weakening ruble. Investing in health is one of the most attractive. Therefore, do not refuse good treatment in a sanatorium and expensive procedures. The crisis will pass, and if your health improves, then you will earn money for your goals and desires.