What Should Be The Length Of Service For Applying For A Pension, Taking Into Account Recent Changes

What Should Be The Length Of Service For Applying For A Pension, Taking Into Account Recent Changes
What Should Be The Length Of Service For Applying For A Pension, Taking Into Account Recent Changes

Many Russian citizens are interested in the issues of retirement experience. According to the law, simply reaching a certain age to start receiving a pension is not enough. To register it, you need to work a certain number of years for an employer who is engaged in transferring certain amounts to the pension accounts of employees.

What should be the length of service for applying for a pension, taking into account recent changes
What should be the length of service for applying for a pension, taking into account recent changes

The pension system in Russia is constantly changing. Modern citizens of working age are interested in how long it is necessary to work in order to receive legal support from the state in old age.

Mandatory retirement experience - what is it?

According to the latest amendments, mandatory retirement experience is the period of work at enterprises, in the amount of 8 years. The requirements for the minimum length of service are increasing every year. But even when the required indicator is reached, this in itself does not guarantee the receipt of subsidies from the state. For some time now, it is necessary to count pension points - they are taken into account depending on the level of income.

When determining the amount of pensions, an indicator called the insurance period is taken into account. According to federal law number 400, it represents the periods for which the managers paid contributions per person to the FIU. It also includes socially significant situations when contributions to the Pension Fund were not received, but points were accrued. These are the periods when people underwent compulsory military service, were on maternity leave, the time when a person was caring for a disabled relative, and so on.

How seniority can affect the amount of the monthly benefit

The requirements for work experience, which is considered sufficient for the appointment of pension payments, have also changed significantly. The use of a point system is provided.

If in the old days it was enough to officially work for at least five years, since the beginning of 2015 the rules have changed. The experience required for registration of pensions since 2017 was 8 years and will continue to increase in the future. Official employment has a direct impact on the final amount of the amount of money for state support - the contributions paid from work increase the number of points.
