How Much Money Should Be In The Account When Applying For A Residence Permit

How Much Money Should Be In The Account When Applying For A Residence Permit
How Much Money Should Be In The Account When Applying For A Residence Permit

To apply for a residence permit, a migrant must fulfill all the conditions prescribed in the laws in this area. Violations entail unpleasant consequences, up to a ban on entry into the desired country. Before applying for a residence permit, it is important to find out the minimum amount of money that must be in the personal bank account of the applicant, and confirm its presence with documents.

How much money should be in the account when applying for a residence permit
How much money should be in the account when applying for a residence permit

What documents should be used to confirm a prosperous financial situation?

  • Help on the form 2-NDFL. This certificate also confirms your official income, and implies that you are officially employed, have an employment agreement and are a responsible taxpayer. Otherwise, how could the minimum amount required for departure appear on your account? To get a 2-NDFL certificate, apply with an oral or written statement to the accountant, and, according to the law, the employer will provide you with a blue seal and signature within 3 days.
  • Tax declaration in the form of 3-NDFL. This document will confirm your financial viability. If the migrant provides proof of residence, the tax office has the right to independently request tax returns from the relevant authority. All individual entrepreneurs, owner-sellers of personal property, landlords, etc. must submit an income declaration to the tax office and pay deductions.
  • Bank account statement. If you are not employed under an employment agreement, no one will provide you with a job certificate. In this case, you need to open a bank account (let it be a plastic card or a savings book) and start collecting funds. At the right time, you will provide the migration service with an official bank statement of the amount on the account to the migration service.
  • Certificate of support and income certificate of the provider. These documents are required for a spouse, where one of them is a Russian (in case of obtaining a residence permit in Russia), and the other wants to receive a TRP. For example, a family lives in Moscow, a spouse is a foreigner and they have a child. The migration service must provide a certificate of support and a second certificate in the form 2-NDFL from the employer of the spouse. Each family member must be provided with a proper living wage. It is easy to calculate: the income of a Muscovite spouse per month from May 1, 2018 should be: 18,742 rubles. + 18 742 rub. for spouse + 14252 rubles. per child = 51 736 rubles. Thus, the annual income to be confirmed is 620,832 rubles. Do not forget that the living wage for children is lower than for an adult. The size of the subsistence allowance may vary depending on the region and the adoption of legislative regulations from quarter to quarter of the year.

How much money must be deposited in order for the documents to be approved when applying for a residence permit?

The minimum requirement for applying for a residence permit: the amount on your personal account must be more than twelve minimum living wages of the region in which you live - the annual subsistence minimum (PM). As of May 1, 2018, the monthly minimum for Moscow, for example, is 18,742 rubles and 13,750 rubles for the Moscow region. Thus, if we are talking about the capital, the account should be at least 224,907 rubles, for the Moscow region - 165,000 rubles.

However, some lawyers who practice assistance in obtaining a residence permit say that most often a certificate of the presence of a bank deposit can reflect the amount of monthly subsistence minimum (depending on the subject of the Russian Federation) in just six months, and not twelve. This is exactly how many months it takes for the migration service to consider an application for a residence permit.

The calculation is done in the same way: we multiply 18,742 rubles by six. Total minimum deposit amount for Moscow: 112,452 rubles. For another region, the amount is lower. For example, for the Altai Territory 11,163 rubles * 6 months. = 66 978 rubles, for the Republic of Sakha 17 388 rubles * 6 months. = RUB 104,328

Which of the calculation schemes to use depends on the migration authority you apply to.

It is important that if you need to obtain or renew a residence permit, you should first consult with a lawyer.
