The legislation of the Russian Federation allows you to refund 13% of expenses, but this applies only to those people who pay income tax to the state budget. For this, a declaration of the established form is filled in, submitted to the inspection along with a package of documents. The specifics of entering information into the declaration and the list of documentation depend on what kind of deduction the taxpayer claims.

It is necessary
- - the program "Declaration";
- - 2-NDFL certificate;
- - passport, TIN;
- - Tax Code of the Russian Federation;
- - a package of other documents (depending on the type of deduction for which you are applying).
Step 1
Currently, a special program has been developed for filling out the declaration. It has four tabs. In the first, tasks of conditions are entered. These include the type of declaration, the number of the tax authority, the sign of the taxpayer and the type of income that fills out the document.
Step 2
The second tab contains information about the declarant. In this field, write your last name, first name, patronymic, passport details (or other identity document). Enter the full address of the house, apartment where you are registered. Enter your contact phone number. If the inspectors have any questions, they can clarify the information with you by contacting you.
Step 3
In the third tab, income is entered. Enter the name of the company where you perform your job function. Enter the monthly amount of your remuneration for the last half of the year. If you are employed on a work book, then indicate the income code 4800, which means other income.
Step 4
The fourth tab is filled in depending on the type of deduction you are applying for. If you want to get a standard deduction, then know that you are entitled to 400 rubles every month until the month when your cumulative income does not exceed 40,000 rubles. If you have children, 1000 rubles are deducted monthly for each child.
Step 5
Many people study by correspondence and on a paid basis, and the state returns to students 13% of the cost of education. To do this, calculate the amount of money spent on studies in the last semester (six months). Write it on the social deduction box.
Step 6
When buying, for example, a property deduction is due. On the corresponding tab, you enter information about the property, including the address, as well as the method of purchase. Indicate the date of registration of ownership of the apartment, house. Write down the amount spent on buying a home. Here, according to the legislation, you can include the cost of repairs (purchase of materials, payment for work), but they must be documented.
Step 7
Depending on what kind of deduction you want to receive, attach a package of documents. Study the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in which the list of documentation is described in detail. Please note that the 2-NDFL certificate is mandatory, so ask for it at your job.