Documents Required For Submission To The Corporate Lending Department

Documents Required For Submission To The Corporate Lending Department
Documents Required For Submission To The Corporate Lending Department

Gaining access to credit is essential for a business. After all, this allows us to ensure the sustainable development of the company, as well as expand areas of activity and enter new markets. However, to obtain a loan for a legal entity, you will need to provide an extensive package of documents.

Documents required for submission to the corporate lending department
Documents required for submission to the corporate lending department

Issuing loans to legal entities is characterized by high risks. After all, the requested amounts are often an order of magnitude higher than those provided to individuals. Therefore, banks carefully check potential borrowers and require the provision of an extended package of documents. Among them, three large groups can be distinguished - constituent, accounting, and also documents containing general information on business.

In any bank, you are initially required to apply for a loan, as well as fill out a borrower form as a legal entity.

Constituent documents

The list of constituent documents that are submitted to the credit department depends on the bank from which the company takes a loan. If she has a current account in the bank, then she provides most of the constituent documents at the time of its opening. Accordingly, you do not need to re-submit them, only when you make changes to the documents. Otherwise, the bank will require a full package of statutory documents. These are copies of the minutes of the meeting of founders, certificates of registration of registration with the tax office, charter, payment orders for the payment of the authorized capital, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Passports of founders, director and chief accountant may also be required.

When attracting guarantors-legal entities, they will need a similar package of documents. Individuals will need 2-NDFL certificates if their income is involved in calculating the loan amount.

Accounting and financial reporting

It is almost impossible to get a loan from a new company that has been on the market for less than a year. As a rule, banks issue loans to already operating companies with stable financial performance. Therefore, a special place belongs to the accounting and financial documentation of the company. Based on its analysis, the bank draws conclusions regarding the company's ability to fulfill its loan obligations and makes a decision on granting a loan.

Companies on OSNO, which maintain full accounting records, are in a more advantageous position. While it is difficult for banks to estimate the real amount of income for companies on UTII, it is more difficult for them to get a loan.

Companies need to submit to the corporate lending department a balance sheet according to forms No. 1, 2, as well as tax declarations with a mark of admission to the tax office. If a loan is taken from a third-party bank, you may need a certificate of the absence of arrears in card files 1 and 2, as well as a certificate from the tax office about the absence of arrears to the budget. Also, the bank requests a turnover sheet, transcripts of fixed assets, debtors and creditors, a warehouse certificate, a certificate of overhead costs, etc.

In Russia, it often happens in practice that the data of accounting and real profitability differ. Therefore, some banks take into account the so-called management reporting. It includes data on actual receipts to the cashier of the company, as well as on the costs of doing business.

General information about the business

The bank must make sure that the client's business really works and will consistently bring profit in the future. This can be confirmed by rental documents for the premises, contracts with buyers and suppliers.

It may also require the registration of a pledge on movable and immovable property that is owned by the company. Then the company will have to provide documents confirming the ownership of them.

Business plan

If a loan is taken for the implementation of an investment project, then the bank may be asked to calculate the profitability and profitability of it. It is necessary to justify the requested loan amount.
