What Documents Are Required To Obtain A Loan

What Documents Are Required To Obtain A Loan
What Documents Are Required To Obtain A Loan

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The package of documents required for obtaining a loan varies depending on the bank. Also, the requirements depend on the type of loan received and the amount of credit.

What documents are required to obtain a loan
What documents are required to obtain a loan

It is necessary

  • - application for a loan;
  • - identity documents;
  • - documents confirming income;
  • - documents confirming work experience;
  • - documents on the subject of pledge;
  • - documents on co-borrowers and guarantors;
  • - other documents requested by the bank.


Step 1

Regardless of the type of loan received, the borrower will need documents proving his identity. At the same time, banks often indicate the need for his registration in the region of obtaining a loan. Foreign citizens, as well as without registration, have extremely limited access to loans.

Step 2

In addition to a passport, the bank is often asked for any other document to choose from. It can be TIN, SNILS, rights, etc. Men under the age of 27 are often required to have a military ID. Retired borrowers must provide a retirement certificate. For salary clients of the bank, or when obtaining a loan within the framework of individual bank offers, apart from a passport, other documents are often not required.

Step 3

There is a rule according to which the larger the loan amount, the more stringent the requirements for loan documents. It is almost impossible to get a large loan without confirming your own income today. And if possible, then at an extremely high percentage. The number of documents confirming income includes 2-NDFL or a certificate in the form of a bank. The period for which the certificate is provided is set independently in each bank and, as a rule, varies from 3 months to 2 years. Sometimes an account statement from another bank may also be requested.

Step 4

Banks often have their own requirements for the minimum length of service in the last job. As a rule, it starts from 6 months. To confirm the length of service, a certified copy of the work record book or a certificate of experience from the last place of work may be required.

Step 5

Many banks restrict the issuance of loans to business owners and individual entrepreneurs, because it is difficult for them to document their own income. But some banks accept income declarations or management reports as supporting documents. If the borrower is a director, an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or a copy of the Charter may also be required, which confirms that he is not the owner of the company he manages.

Step 6

If the loan involves the registration of a pledge, then documents confirming the ownership will also be required. This is a mandatory requirement when applying for a home loan. To obtain a mortgage, you must provide a complete package of documents for the property.

Step 7

If guarantors are required to receive a loan, then a guarantor questionnaire is filled out for each of them. They must also provide documents that prove their income. The same requirements apply to sureties.

Step 8

Banks require specific documents to receive loans within the framework of state social programs. For example, to obtain a preferential mortgage for young families and public sector employees, documents confirming the right to a subsidy are required. For those applying for an educational loan - an agreement on the training of a specialist.
