Hierarchical structure is a complex organization of a multi-level, multi-stage management system for economic and administrative objects. Many organizations represent such a management system. The first level is the director, the second is the deputy directors, then the heads of departments and divisions are the third and fourth levels of the hierarchy.

Managment structure
When establishing any legal entity - a commercial organization, a budgetary institution or an industrial enterprise - the management structure is always determined from the outset. The choice of a management system goes through several main stages. First, it is chosen which of the management structures will be applied in the organization. It can be hierarchical, functional, or direct reporting.
At the second stage, powers are determined and responsibilities are distributed among the main levels, management personnel and departments. Finally - the third stage, when the powers of the management apparatus, its duties and the degree of responsibility are finally designated. Despite the fact that at present there are a sufficient number of management systems, most often a hierarchical management structure prevails in organizations.
Principles of a hierarchical management system
The hierarchical management system is essentially a pyramid in which any lower level is subject to subordination and control of a higher level. This structure presupposes a high level of responsibility of the senior management team compared to the lower ones. The distribution of labor between the employees of the organization takes place according to specialization in accordance with the functions performed.
Hiring is based on the professional skills of the applicant. In addition, they pay attention to how much a person is controllable and whether he himself can perform the role of a manager. According to the hierarchical structure, all employees are divided into three groups: managers, specialists, executive employees.
The main types of hierarchical structures
The main types of hierarchical structures include:
- a linear structure in which the management of the organization is directly in the hands of the head - this is possible in small organizations, when the manager personally gives tasks to each subordinate;
- functional, in which each link performs its tasks, according to the specialization of the unit by functional purpose.
Each subdivision reports to the head of the direction. A mixed type of management, where, along with the linear apparatus, there is a branched hierarchy of various functional groups. In them, line managers have line managers, and functional ones have functional powers to their subordinates.