Linear Management Structure: Pros And Cons

Linear Management Structure: Pros And Cons
Linear Management Structure: Pros And Cons

The linear management structure is one of the simplest organizational structures, within which the levels of subordination can be viewed in the form of a pyramid: from top management to lower management.

Linear management structure: pros and cons
Linear management structure: pros and cons

Linear control structure concept

The linear structure is also called functional and is part of mechanistic structures. This group of structures differs from others in that subordination is highly developed in it, the work is based on strict subordination. There are special codes and job descriptions to facilitate this.

In an average company built on this principle, there are the following levels of separation: top management, subordinate to which are the main managers who are responsible for departments with the rest of the employees. There may be more of them depending on the size of the firm.

Pros of a linear management structure

The linear management structure is very convenient in accordance with the general management principles formulated by M. Mescon.

1. Division of labor. Each employee has his own specialization and tasks, in accordance with it.

2. Chain of commands, or scalar chain. The main principle by which linear management is carried out is from the top to the bottom.

3. One-man management - each subordinate has one leader. If a worker makes a mistake, only the manager standing above him can punish him. Also, only he can set tasks for him and demand an account for them. Top management has the right to ask the results of work from a manager who is directly subordinate to him. This allows you to quickly resolve issues that have arisen at each level.

4. The rate of control. One manager should have no more than 4-5 people under his command. This is necessary for better interaction between them.

5. Hierarchy of goals. The goals are located at three levels: organizational, group and personal.

6. Unity of direction. Each department in the organization is responsible for its own functions, but their goals and objectives should be interrelated with the functions of other departments and be aimed at the benefit of the whole company.

There are two more principles characteristic of a linear management structure: control and delegation of authority. They are in direct relationship with the principle of one-man management. The manager must exercise control over his subordinates at all stages of their activities.

Delegation of authority is the transfer of a part of resources, functions and responsibility for execution to a subordinate.

Cons of a linear management structure

The main disadvantage of an organization with a linear management structure is weak feedback and barriers to communication.

Feedback is degraded by filtering information. According to statistics, moving from one level to another, about 20-25% of information is lost.

Communication barriers can be related to the following factors:

- mismatch of life experience - different knowledge about the same things;

- language barriers - misunderstanding of slang, fuzzy diction, inability to correctly construct phrases;

- non-verbal barriers - repulsive postures, facial expressions and gestures;

- inability to listen.
