The heads of enterprises and top managers are interested in the issue of choosing such a management structure that would allow increasing the efficiency of work with the least expenditure of labor and material resources. Currently, there are three options for organizational structures used in different companies: hierarchical, project and matrix. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Step 1
The linear-functional hierarchical structure used in the enterprises of the Soviet Union is still found in small and medium-sized enterprises, in government agencies and those large companies where strict discipline and centralization of power is required. Experts believe that it can justify itself at industrial enterprises that produce products of a limited range of products in mass quantities or in large batches. This structure is characterized by the absence of horizontal links between departments. When it has many levels, there is a danger of malfunctions, since the control signals from above can come on the principle of a "broken phone". The employees of such an enterprise are more focused not on meeting the needs of customers and clients, but on observing the established internal rules.
Step 2
The project management structure is more client-oriented. It resembles a living organism, flexibly and quickly adapting to changing market conditions. The essence of such an organization is the teamwork of competent and experienced specialists who perform the tasks set by the project under the condition of a limited time frame and within the framework of limited labor and material resources. This structure should be preferred if the company is engaged in the production of innovative products. It has proven itself in permanent renovation and in projects with commercial risks. But upon completion of work on a project, management should plan in advance for the reallocation of resources so that the organization of work on the preparation of a new production task takes as little time as possible.
Step 3
The matrix system combines the hierarchical and design organization of production management, when the signals accumulated from above come to the performers horizontally and vertically. At the same time, employees can simultaneously carry out their daily work and participate in the development of projects. Initially used in the space industry, General Electric and Shell Oil were among the first to switch to it. Now this organizational structure has been successfully implemented at large Russian enterprises - developers of IT products, those who are employed in the field of high technologies: the radio-electronic field, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals, aircraft engineering.