Loans have become an integral part of life. There is no need to save money for many years to buy an apartment, a car, save for a new refrigerator, washing machine for several years or dream of a trip to Paris - all this can be done almost instantly by taking out a bank loan. Unfortunately, many clients cannot receive even a small loan amount, since they are included in the “black list” and have a negative history in the Federal Bureau of Interbank Credit Histories.

Step 1
In order not to be included in the black bank list, first of all, you must fulfill your financial obligations in a timely manner. Pay off the loan received on the set days, do not allow even the slightest debt to arise.
Step 2
If you have a technical debt, but at the same time you are a bona fide client, paid all the amounts on time and repaid the loan in full, the bank can still blacklist you and indicate to the Federal Bureau of Interbank Credit Histories that there was still a debt. And this is already a reason to refuse you the next time you apply for a loan, without explaining the reason.
Step 3
Come for a loan in decent clothes, in a sober state. Bank employees receive detailed instructions when it is necessary to make a note about a client and add him to the black list. And although the debt or non-payment of the previous loan influences the positive decision on the issuance of the next loan in the most negative way, you can get into the black list even if you are a bona fide borrower.
Step 4
When submitting information about yourself, do not be mistaken. If you are asked about something, answer all questions without errors. If you made a mistake when repeating the pronunciation of your phone number, address, or incorrectly named your place of work, you may be blacklisted and denied a loan, and the reason will not be explained to you.
Step 5
Do not speak slang or jargon with the operator. If you have tattoos, cover them with clothing to keep them out of the reach of prying eyes.
Step 6
The presence of accompanying persons when obtaining a loan is not welcome, especially if they are trying to explain to you how best to proceed and what to say in this case. The operator will make a note, and you can be blacklisted, since any escort is regarded by bank employees as fraud, when the borrower cannot independently arrange a loan and acts at the direction of third parties.
Step 7
Put the same signature on all bank documents. If you sign carelessly, and upon checking it turns out that the signature on the last sheet does not coincide too much with the signature on the first sheet of the loan agreement, you may be blacklisted.
Step 8
An expired passport, subject to replacement, can also affect your credit history in the most negative way. Pay attention to every little detail when applying for a loan. If something seems insignificant and insignificant to you, then the bank employee notices absolutely everything that can, in one way or another, influence a positive decision.