Payment terminals are special software systems that allow you to make a whole range of payments, while significantly saving time. Such devices can be seen at public transport stops, in various organizations and institutions, in shops and shopping malls. A large number of terminals on the streets of the city provide free access to them, and queues, as a rule, are extremely rare.

What payments can be made
There are several types of payment terminals. Each of them provides for a certain list of partners with whom you can make transactions of crediting funds to bank accounts, make utility payments and pay for services such as mobile communications, Internet, purchases and transfers.
In addition, some payment terminals imply the presence of a personal account, with which you can not only pay bills, but also store certain amounts of funds. You can track all transactions via the Internet.
How to make payments
The principle of using a payment terminal is not complicated. On the main OSD menu, the user sees several sections. This principle ensures the convenience of choosing the necessary operations. For example, if you want to replenish your bank card account, then you will need the section "Banking operations", if you pay for mobile - "Payment for mobile communications". Further, from the proposed list, you select the required provider and enter the appropriate details. The final step will be to deposit funds and send them to the selected partner.
The system of payment terminals explains every step in an accessible way, so if you have all the necessary data, you can quickly pay for almost any service. The main nuance that must be taken into account is the translation time. Some accounts receive money almost instantly, while other transfers can be made within three working days. It is better to clarify such information with the company that owns the payment terminal or with the provider whose account you plan to replenish. Contact numbers are indicated, as a rule, on the main on-screen menu or on a receipt.
How the terminal sends funds
The payment terminal system is a GPRS modem. The data that you enter on the OSD menu is processed, recorded and sent using the server of the specified organization. After confirming the correctness of all the specified details, the company that owns the terminal transfers the funds to the account you specified.
Please note that in the event of an Internet failure, incorrect account details or other errors, funds may not be credited to the account. In this case, a check can come to the rescue. By calling the specified phone number, you can return the money or repeat the operation with the corrected data.
In addition, some services are paid through payment terminals with a fixed commission. This information is necessarily reflected on the OSD when entering data.
Do not confuse payment terminals with ATMs. A terminal is a multifunctional device, and an ATM is a device for transferring funds to only one organization. Typically, ATMs are owned by banks and other lending companies.