If you have organizational skills, skillfully amuse people, have a rich imagination, you need to open a holiday agency. To create this business, you do not need to own a large start-up capital, and the project, with a competent organization, will pay off in a few months.

Business plan
Of course, to start a holiday agency, you must first draw up a business plan. He will help you calculate all income and expenses, assess risks and find ways to solve some problems. In this document, you must indicate a list of services that you will provide. For example, it can be children's parties, some kind of corporate events, weddings, etc.
Estimate all possible costs, for example, for rent, for staff salaries, for the purchase of equipment. Also, you should roughly indicate the amount of income. To do this, evaluate the market for the services you offer (cost, supply and demand). If demand is high, competition is low, the cost of your services may be slightly high.
check in
Choose a name for your agency. Please note that it must be original and memorable. For example, you can choose titles such as "Holiday Empire", "Ride", "1000 Ventures", etc. At the beginning of your journey, you must register a company. To do this, contact the tax office at your place of residence or at the place of registration of a legal entity. Collect a package of required documents. If you decide to create an LLC, the package of documents will be slightly larger than when registering an individual entrepreneur. Choose a taxation system. If you do not want to minimize the hassle of accounting, write an application for the simplified tax system.
Premises and equipment
Rent an office space. Better stop your choice on the institution that is located in the city center. Also, there should be a parking next to the building, as clients will not experience discomfort when arriving in their cars for negotiations.
Purchase equipment for your office as well as for work. You will need office furniture, office equipment. Install an air conditioner, as it will be difficult to stay indoors in the summer. You should also buy or rent equipment for work, such as musical devices, stage monitors, projectors. Make sure you buy literature to help you organize and design sketches and pranks.
Employees and partners
It is very difficult to work alone, especially since your activity involves a whole team of employees and partners. First of all, you should hire a manager, it is he who can meet with customers, answer phone calls. Enter into employment contracts with the artists. If you want to save money, you can hire drama school students or conclude cooperation agreements with organizations that provide acting services. Find partners, for example, providing car rental services, interior decoration.
Advertising and clients
Done. What's next? And then you need to tell about yourself. To do this, contact an advertising agency or resort to the services of the media, TV or radio. Use outdoor advertisements, post ads, print flyers. To search for clients, you can create an official agency website.
As you can see, it is not so difficult to open a holiday agency, especially since it does not require any licenses or permits! The main thing you need is the desire and desire to create! Go for it!