Educational activities in Russia are based on the Law "On Education". This document does not contain an unambiguous and specific definition of activities in the field of education, but in a general sense, educational activities are understood as activities as a result of which students acquire knowledge, skills, abilities, and professional training in the chosen specialty. But in order to open an educational institution, it is not enough to be a good teacher.

It is necessary
Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"
Step 1
Determine what will be the organizational and legal form of the future educational institution. According to the law, such activities may be carried out by legal entities (non-profit organizations) or individuals registered as individual entrepreneurs. Commercial organizations cannot conduct educational activities.
Step 2
Understand educational licensing issues. In most cases, obtaining a license will be a mandatory step in setting up an institution. An exception is individual pedagogical activity carried out by an individual entrepreneur - it does not require a license. In other cases, conducting this type of activity without a license entails criminal liability. If you plan to conduct seminars, trainings, lectures, provide consulting services without issuing diplomas, certificates or certificates of education, a license is also not required.
Step 3
Define the circle of founders of the educational institution. These can be bodies of state power, local self-government, organizations of any form of ownership, citizens of Russia or other states.
Step 4
Prepare the charter of the educational institution. As a basis, you can take the ready-made constituent documents of an existing organization that carries out the educational process. If you want to get a high-quality document, entrust the drafting of the charter to a qualified lawyer, preparing your personal wishes regarding individual sections.
Step 5
After preparing the documents, register the institution with the Federal Registration Service. If you have chosen a consumer cooperative as an organizational and legal form, the tax authorities will register it.
Step 6
After registering an educational institution, put it on tax accounting and register in off-budget funds, as well as in state statistics bodies.
Step 7
After completing registration and registration of the corresponding types of registration, you will receive an educational license. Licensing is carried out by the Ministry of Education and local government bodies.
Step 8
After obtaining a license, you can start directly implementing activities, guided by pre-developed training plans and educational programs. After three years of work, the institution has the right to receive state certification and after that apply with an application for its state accreditation. From the moment of accreditation, you will have the right to issue state-recognized documents on qualifications and the level of education received to persons who have passed the final attestation.