To open your own medical center, you need a business plan. He will be very helpful in choosing the right solution. Anyone who wants to open a medical institution may not have a doctor's diploma, but he must be a good business executive and quickly resolve administrative issues.

Step 1
Be sure to study the market and prospects of your business among competitors and determine the direction of the medical activity of your center. The most profitable type of medicine today is considered to be dentistry.
Step 2
You will need a room that meets all sanitary and hygienic and fire safety standards, qualified personnel with valid certificates and licenses.
Step 3
Check out the requirements of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and Fire Service. The size of the area of the premises directly depends on the medical services that you are going to provide, and must comply with the SanPiN standards. Ventilation, special lighting and repairs are mandatory in a medical institution.
Step 4
Equipment is the most expensive part of any medical center. Modern medical equipment is very expensive. But if you are guided by the provision of quality services according to Western standards, you will have to purchase the appropriate equipment. But at the initial stage, you can get by with used equipment. The main thing is the qualifications of the personnel you have selected.
Step 5
All medical activities are necessarily licensed. To obtain a license, a medical center must have a facility that meets all regulations, a well-selected staff with valid certificates and a list of all the necessary equipment.
Step 6
Each medical service requires its own license. If, for example, you are going to issue sick leave, you must purchase an appropriate license or hire a specialist with a certificate. The licenses apply only to the address you specified. The licensing period usually lasts at least a year.